5 Fundamental Questions before you start an Event Planning business

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Posted on September 19, 2019

Do you want to work on the event management but don’t know where to start? See here 5 fundamental questions and their answers about event planning.

1. How to define my event goals?

Events are one of the most efficient ways of offering brand experience and helping the business to reach their goals. First on your event planning, you may think about what’s your primary big goal. It can establish your brand in the industry, generate qualified leads or even do sales.

Having chosen the main purpose of the event, set some goals to reach them. Regardless of what your goal is, investing in marketing is essential, whether to stabilize your brand in the industry or generate qualified leads, for instance. So organize your goals by priority, set the cost of each, and stay focused. Do not go beyond the strategies your goal calls for, not to spend money for nothing!

2. How to define my Marketing Tactics?

74% of event organizers cited social media as the most effective event marketing tool, followed by email marketing (66%), hotsite (60%) and event registration site (26%).

Marketing plan: You must create a marketing plan to organize your corporate event. This marketing plan involves defining your persona (who will atendee your event?), the tools and channels to promote your event (email marketing tools and website tools, social media) and, finally, the costs that involves it.

Tools & Channels : Since you have chosen your persona, you already have information about your ideal consumer’s behavior and preferences. That is, you know exactly where to find it. With this knowledge in hand, it is easy to define the best channels to use in your approach. This could be Twitter for younger audience events, or LinkeDin for more corporate audiences. Also, using specific email marketing tools, for example, let you know exactly how much you needed to invest to achieve each conversion.

3. Event management: Where to start?

It’s time to understand concepts and stages of project management. Organizing an event involves planning costs, earnings, purpose and how to achieve them. The most important include briefing, team definition, vendors needed, schedule, budget, and workflow.

The first step is to organize the briefing of the event, with the main goals and what your theme involves. Then it’s time to put everything your event needs on paper – from buffet space rental to outsourced employees to advertising costs.

This whole process is costly and involves a lot of organizational skills. Today, we’ve all-in-one event management software that centralizes the process of budgeting, marketing, website and even access and application for the participant. Robust event registration software provides digital QR codes, as well as confirmation emails to every guest that confirms to be present at your event. Thus, when the guest arrives at the actual event venue, it gets way easier to quickly get a credential and check-in.

An event software greatly facilitates the event planner’s job, because he or she doesn’t have to worry about losing files – everything is saved in the cloud, for instance. In addition, event technologies are becoming simpler and more functional, helping to save time and money in event planning.

4. How to Reduce Expenses?

The biggest concern for corporate event planners is the budget (82%), followed by new ideas (62%) and return on investment (ROI) at 54%. Many event planners ask themselves: how to start my budget: How do I reduce expenses?

Event planning is also about to reduce costs.

With a online registration form developed according to your audience segments, your ticket selling can skyrocket.  Day passes also can increase revenue by making people see value on buying a ticket that grants access to every day of the event.

Patrocinadores e venda de ingressos

5. How can I improve the client experience?

Customer experience is crucial to a successful live marketing strategy. That’s why, once you’ve established the event’s primary purpose, goals, and budget, it’s time to think about how to attract the participant to your brand during the event. The ideal is to do it in a way that does not seem forced, after all, the best experience of the participant is that simple and unexpected.

For example, use technologies such as virtual reality, so your customer can try a new product during the event. Or, even simpler, invest in event apps. These apps can establish networking with other participants and even with speakers. Gamification and content sharing on social networks are also features that drive participant engagement, offer unique customer experience and go beyond simply accessing the event via digital ticket.

Do you want to learn more about event management? See below:

How to measure Event Success [and 7 points to ensure it]

Event Planning schedule for any kind of conference.

Data Analysis for Event Planners: let go of the fear of numbers


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