7 steps of great storytelling

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Posted on October 3, 2019

Creating storytelling means much more than just concerning a generic story for your brand or event. It means to create a narrative based on techniques that can persuade and thrill your audience.

Also, storytelling is an easy way to:

  • Entertain
  • Inspire
  • Educate

Here we’ll give you some tips to create an amazing storytelling for your brand or event that will help you with ticket sales and event marketing as a whole.

Storytelling is nothing more than a set of narrative techniques created to build a story that captivates guests or ticket payers. These narrative elements are the introduction, development, and conclusion.

Of course, the whole narrative has many other elements, but here we are concerned precisely with the basic structure of the narrative. It is this structure that will help to objectively contextualize the history of the company, the advertised product or of the event itself.

The 7 key elements of a narrative are:


What is the greatest theme fo your storytelling? The encounter between people? A resolution to a conflict? ? A dream coming true?

It needs to be clear because it helps to focus your narrative.


Here are some ideas that can help you achieve your event goal – whether it’s creating a narrative for your event or event creating a narrative for your overall brand:

An event plot – Your event storytelling doesn’t need to be a complex one. The basic structure of the narrative of an event aims to make guests remember the best of previous editions. Also, show to your audience what’s coming up in the next edition.

A brand plot – Create a starting point for your narrative. Start with the dream, the desire to build something new, for instance. Show how the protagonists of this story met each other, tell a captivating story.

You can use this technique to create the product’s storytelling or even the industry’s narrative in which the product and your brand fit.

Picture this: If your company sells digital technologies for agriculture, it might be interesting to start by telling the story of agriculture itself. In the end, this technology can be presented as the most innovative thing in this market, proving how agriculture has evolved and get hi-tech. Don’t be afraid to play with creativity.


In addition to the story, it is also important to create a setting for it. Setting establishes the time, place, and environment in which the main characters operate.  Consider the following question: Where was the story born? Highlighting the venue of the first event, or the hometown of the protagonists can be an extra chance to get attention and generate audience identification.

One (or more) characters

Who owns your story? The CEO of the company? The event itself? Whatever the answer may be, you can use interviews to fully understand which points in this narrative you can explore. Ask your marketing team to tell how the event was designed, for example. Ask the CEO about some information not published yet. Bring your audience something new.


The “Hero’s Journey“, or monomyth, is a concept coined by anthropologist Joseph Campbell. It concerns the cyclic journey present in Greek myths. Campbell builds 12 steps structuring the narrative of a specific character. Be inspired by the “the ordeal” and “the reward” steps to tread the story of your character,it may be your client, a speaker or, more commonly, the company’s CEO and partners.

These steps are better to detail conflict (trial) and problem-solving (reward, happy ending).


Without friction, it’s not a story. Tension can keep people involved. Make it clear that the development of this story faces challenges to overcome and involves hard work.

The conflict may not seem too easy! It must be a conflict that manages the audience’s identification. Overcoming conflict can be the bottom line.

Happy ending. :)

Here’s all about the conflict resolution. Finally, present this on a happy ending. Remember that we are talking about an event!

If the history of your event captures the audience, the chances of selling tickets are high. Or get more confirmation of attendance. After all, one of the goals of storytelling is to captivate.

Ready to create the perfect storytelling for your corporate event?


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