Posted on March 23, 2022
With the world becoming more and more digitized by the day, the future of any growing brand is highly dependent upon a strong online platform. Webinars are a foolproof way of growing a brand into a successful business while simultaneously limiting expenditure and conserving loads of time.
According to data provided by RingCentral, brands based in the U.S. showed an increase of 36% in the use of webinars during February and March of 2020. This tremendous increase in the use of webinars is mainly because of the growing online market and the potential to reach more customers quicker.
What to do before starting a webinar?
Advertising your webinar across multiple platforms of communication
It is neither smart nor wise to begin a webinar without proper pre-planning. This is because it could be possible that not every person of the target audience is a frequent user of the online network.
Hence, advertising an upcoming webinar is essential in ensuring that the maximum number of people (and potential customers) are aware of the opportunity your brand is offering.
This can be achieved through various methods as follows:
- Automated calls
- Automated SMS
- Automated emails
- Paper advertising (via newspaper ads, pamphlets, brochures, etc.)
- Posting flyers in busy crossways and public places
Advantages of multiple platform advertising
Once the proper advertisement is done of the webinar for your brand, here are some benefits that you will avail:
- Exposure. By utilizing various methods for advertising your webinar, a wide range of people will know about it. As a result, they will be able to plan their schedules accordingly. This is key to ensure that the maximum number of people who also register then actually attend the webinar.
- Display of persistence. The use of different ways to reach the public shows the commitment and dedication you and your brand have to serve your customers. Many consumers find this method of repetitive advertisement a sign of a good business.
- Increased accessibility. The more options available for your webinar sign-up means, the easier it is for people to sign-up. Making things easier for the public is always a good way to advertise.
- More registrations. The increased amount of people registering for your webinar means that more people will find out about your brand.
- More customers. With more people attending your webinars, the more chances they will buy from you and invest in your brand.
Creating A Webinar
Following our discussion of the benefits of webinars and their potential to be used for marketing your brand, let’s discuss how to create a webinar that will effectively market your business. Creating the webinar itself is a simple procedure that can be easily done with the help of online facilities.
Some of the most widely used best webinar platforms include the following:
- InEvent
- Livestorm
- Click meeting
- Gotowebinar
Creating A Strategy For Using Your Webinar To Market Your Brand
You should consider some major guidelines before and after launching your webinar once you have created it with the appropriate formatting and information about your brand.
Keep track of all the steps that need to be taken and ensure that everything that needs to be done is done. Once you have done all the pre-planning behind your webinar, it is now time to launch your webinar from your preferred outlet(s) and post your brand to all viewers.
Create a set of milestones/checkpoints which you accomplish and ensure that these small but consistent targets are being met throughout your webinars. Preview all of the feedback you receive from the webinar and assess all of the input you receive about your brand from the viewers and customers.
- Programming
You must do a lot of planning and programming before launching your webinar to ensure that you can reap maximum benefit. Choosing which day to launch the webinar is a huge determinant of the impact of the webinar on your brand.
Studies have shown that the best time to host a webinar is in the mid-week days. The amount of time you give to your advertising is another key factor you should consider carefully. Before sending, you should carefully plan each email, text, or phone call.
Networking and correlating ideas with your team are very important as well. This creates a strong interactive environment that promotes creativity and innovative ideas.
Speaking of team, it would be best to assign specific roles to each team member. This will enable you to distribute your workload and increase the efficiency by which you accomplish your tasks.
As you work, make sure that you keep track of your progress. It would be best to create a checklist, noting down your entire schedule in advance so that you can see what steps you have already taken and what steps still need to be taken.
- Reaching Your Customers
This point correlates with the multiplatform advertising of your webinar discussed earlier. This multiplatform technique allows you to reach your desired customers regardless of which platform they do or do not use. As you attract more and more customers to your brand, you’ll be able to map out exactly which platforms they’re using and then use these for more advertising. And making a comparison between cold emailing vs cold calling will be easier after using these outreach channels for some time.
Having an active and strong website that is available for the viewers of your webinar to probe through your brand’s products is a good way to trap new customers.
In the future, you can launch more webinars on your website itself so that the exposure to your brand increases even more.
- Advertising With Regularity
Make sure that you advertise according to a consistent schedule. Your advertisements should be more than just informative; rather, they should be convincing enough to attract attention. A good way to do this is to create a common template of how you would like your brand to be portrayed. Then, you can simply use this same template in every platform, whether it be email, website, or flier. Then, when a person who has seen your webinar will see these repetitive ads, it will almost guarantee their conversion into a customer.
- Set Milestones
Considering your webinar marketing scheme as one big project will not do you much good in the long run. Instead, take a step-wise approach to the whole plan. Setting small targets or milestones which will eventually accumulate to achieve the greater purpose (of marketing your brand) will facilitate your process.
To make sure that things are going smoothly and according to plan, it is easier to keep these small goals in check instead of one huge target. You can opt to use an online planner or tool such as Google and the like to achieve this purpose to make things easier for yourself and your business.
- System Of Check And Balance
Try to formulate a system to review your material and your webinar to look for possible errors. Often, the techniques you use are not appealing enough or are not targeting your audience effectively.
Your webinar will go a long way in ensuring your target audience receives a real preview of your brand when you find and correct these flaws.
Specific Advantages Of Using A Webinar
Some advantages are specific to the use of webinars in marketing.
- Constant Availability Of Content. A webinar allows your targeted audience to access your marketing content at any time and place, unlike seminars or person-to-person conferences. As a result, you can now share your brand with an even broader audience than the webinar attendees.
- Building Credibility. Interacting with your customers on an interactive platform, such as a webinar, allows your audience to gain trust and confidence in your brand and your team. As you build more and more credibility, your brand becomes more and more established, thus securing your brand in the face of other competitors.
- Cost-Effective. Using a webinar saves a lot of money for a business. As webinars are online-based, you need a computer and an internet connection. It requires minimal staff, no physical space to set up a conference, no expenditure on hosting an event, etc. You can use the same amount of money you spent on an in-person seminar to market your brand online.
- Customer Feedback. Your customers can critique your brand on a webinar, thus allowing you to improve your brand and, in turn, cater to their distinctive needs. Constantly upgrading the quality of your brand is good news for any successful business.
Different Methods To Gain More Audience
- Sponsorship
Apart from using your webinar for marketing your brand, you can use other brands for marketing your brand. One way by which you can do this is through sponsorship. For example, suppose you are the owner of a water bottle company. In that case, you can sponsor the water supply for all the popular restaurants, cafes, and diners in your area by supplying free water.
By doing so, every single customer who eats at any of these eating establishments will be exposed to your water brand. This method is highly effective in reaching new customers and spreading awareness of your products.
- Collaboration
Collaborating or partnering with other companies is a good way to gain more followers. Customers of another brand will be exposed to your brand when you are in collaboration.
Form a solid multi-platform advertisement scheme to advertise your upcoming webinar. Take all necessary steps to ensure that the maximum number of people know your webinar.
Design a common theme of advertisement for your webinar on all the different platforms you will be using to advertise your webinar.
This will help viewers easily recognize your brand and convert it into customers. Send out regular, consistent reminders of your upcoming webinar.
Using a webinar is a great way to promote your brand. Webinars offer a wide range of exposure to your brand across various groups of people, be it students, the working class, entrepreneurs, and the rest. Here is a summary of all the steps you need to take in using a webinar to promote your brand:
Organize this feedback into a check and balance system to correct any flaws that may appear in your brand. For example, use the feedback from your webinar to get an idea about what kind of things your specific customers demand and what kind of things are more appealing to them.
Update your brand and its products to optimize your sales and market your brand on different online platforms via webinars.
Hopefully, by now, you have gained valuable insight on how you can use a webinar to promote and market your brand in today’s digitized economy. Business-to-business webinars and the proper use of ads can carry your exposure from a few hundred to thousands of viewers. Posting a webinar on major social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., is a good example of a business-to-business webinar. This technique is used commonly throughout the entire market.
Adding the link to your instagram profile can also be a great way to give it more exposure. Just remember to be creative with it, if you find yourself out of inspiration, DivbyZero created a great list of 40+ Instagram bio ideas that you can learn from.
Good luck with your first webinar experience to market your brand more efficiently.