
How to Promote your Webinar on Social Media

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Posted on April 29, 2022

A webinar is an effective tool you can use to boost engagement with your audience. Additionally, they can also help increase customer engagement and build awareness. However, as much as webinars can be advantageous and helpful, no one will discover your piece if you do not promote them.

Therefore, it is essential that after creating your webinar, you put in place a concrete strategy to help you publicize it. One of the advertising strategies that has not failed over the years is social media. In fact, if you tick all the boxes, you are sure to have impressive attendance and massive link clicks.

If you want to expand your webinar reach through social media, you can count on this guide. Our team of professionals will provide you with valuable tips on how to promote your webinar on Social media.

10 Effective ways to promote a webinar on Social Media

1. Use Images in your Advertisement

If you want to be ahead of your competitors when advertising on social media, you need to use lovely images. According to our team of experts, visual images are the most important when it comes to content marketing. Therefore, if you use social media for your webinar advertisement, prepare visual content that will fly with the webinar. Visual content includes teaser videos, graphical images relating to your content, etc. Including this alongside your webinar to sharing it bland will catch the attention of your target audience.

2. Make sure our Landing Page is Engaging.

The landing page is where your visitors are redirected after clicking your link on social media. As the saying goes, the first impression matters a lot. Ensure that your landing page is easy to navigate and designed explicitly for the target webinar. Additionally, the landing page can also have a form for collecting your audience’s basic information. You can also add a teaser video on the landing page to explain your webinar. This will come in handy for people who couldn’t read the advertisement text on social media.

3. Add a Clear Call to Action

We cannot overemphasize the importance of a clear CTA in any social media advertisement. It helps ensure that your target audience knows what to do next after viewing your ad. Therefore, when advertising your webinar on social media, add 2 or more CTA’s that will tell your visitors the next step of the process. Your Call To Action can be in the form of a verbal teaser video or a caption text embedded in your promotional images.

4. Share-friendly landing pages

In the marketing world, “Tell a friend to tell a friend” is a famous phrase, and it is the secret of many businesses. When creating your webinar landing page, ensure that you optimize it for sharing. In other words, ask your interested audience to help invite a friend who might also be interested and share across different social media platforms. This way, your webinar will travel farther than you can imagine. You can embed the social sharing buttons on your landing page to make the process easier for your audience.

5. Publish Ads

To further expand your reach, you can leverage social media ads; this includes Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads, etc. You can get a professional advertisement specialist to help with this. Their job is to help you target the top keywords that your niche’s audience is interacting with, so you can get your webinar in front of them. You can also collaborate with top influencers in your niche to help spread the word about your webinar. You may also use the ads library to explore a variety of ad formats and creative alternatives in addition to using social media ads like those on Facebook, Instagram, and Google. It offers useful tips and ideas for creating appealing advertisements that effectively promote your webinar to your target market.

6. Make sure your social media covers are up to date.

Your social media cover page should be the icing that complements your cake. In other words, use sound and professional cover photos on your social media pages. You can get lovely templates on Canva to help you with this. Ensure that your cover appeals to encourage your target audience to register for your webinar.

7. Pin Updates about your webinar to the top of your page

The easiest way to keep your audience updated about your webinar is to pin recent updates to the top of your social media accounts. Note that if your webinar is automated, ensure to make it timeless when pinning. This will encourage your audience to sign up for the webinar based on the benefits rather than the time.

8. Create events

Creating events is also a good option if you do not know how to promote your webinar on social media. This allows you to share essential details at a glance with your target audience. Social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn will enable you to create events and invite people to attend. After completing the webinar event, you can share it across your social media profiles where your registrants can see it.

9. Podcast

You can Leverage tools such as Facebook Live, Twitter podcast, or any other live streaming platform to create a sneak peeks. You can whet your target audience’s appetite on the subject matter with a 2-minute discussion. Share this across social media platforms with a Call to Action to redirect interested people to the landing page for registration.

10. Create Short Promotional Videos

If your webinar is pre-recorded, you can share a video of the first 10 minutes of the webinar. You can leverage social media platforms such as Youtube to achieve this. In so doing, you can get people to know what the webinar is about before their registration

How do I Promote a webinar on Instagram?

With Instagram, you can generate leads and sales for your business if you make good use of its several advantages. If you do not know to promote webinars on Instagram, here are some expert tips from our professional social media managers:

1. Make use of Instagram Reels.

Instagram reels are short clips you can use to grab the attention of your target audience. You can leverage this feature to promote the event, preview the topic, and provide them with important reasons why they have to attend the webinar. Reels are also available on Tiktok.

2. Leverage Instagram Stories:

The Instagram story is a great way to present some of the key speakers at your webinar to your audience. In addition to this, you can also outline the benefits your audience tends to gain during the webinar. Do not forget to embed CTA (Call To Action) in your stories.

3. Countdown with Posts:

Besides creating compelling headlines and images related to your post, you can also use countdown posts to make your audience anticipate the event.

4. Leverage IGTV

Instagram TV is just like YoutTube. It allows you to film longer content. With this feature, you can create a FAQ video about your webinar. The aim of this is to give your target audience an idea of the webinar and the benefits attached to attending.

How do I Promote a webinar on Facebook?

To promote your webinar on Facebook, you can leverage the following features:

1. Facebook Business Page:

The Facebook business page is an excellent place to advertise your webinar. The reason is that many people are already acquainted with your business via this page. However, the only disadvantage is that the Facebook Business page has no organic reach. But, where there is a will, there is a way. To solve this problem, set up Facebook Live to promote your webinar. This will get many signups for your webinar and people to follow your page.

2. Facebook Live:

Facebook Live is a feature that allows you to broadcast a conversation, performance, or virtual event. You can leverage this feature to create a sneak peek of your webinar or a short video to tell your target audience what to expect from the webinar.

3. Facebook Event:

You can promote your webinar on Facebook using Facebook events. It allows you to create events and invite the target audience to grace your webinar. This is a great feature that can help you expand your reach.

Facebook Ads

If you are not going organic, you can leverage Facebook Ads to promote your webinar. This will help you drive people to your landing page for signups and registration. In addition, you can also use the custom audience feature to target people who have registered for past webinars.

How do I promote my webinar on LinkedIn?

1. LinkedIn Event:

The LinkedIn Event feature allows you to create online and offline events. You can add details about your webinar and the itinerary and invite other members to join. With this medium, you can easily promote your webinar.

2. Sponsored Content

Aside from organic content, you can also use sponsored content to promote your webinar. They appear in users’ feeds but not on sidebars, search results, and pages,

3. LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn ads are a bit different from sponsored content. They will help you reach more audiences but at a price. With LinkedIn ads, you can promote your website on the newsfeed, search results, pages, sidebars, etc.

 How to promote an on-demand webinar

As discussed, it all doesn’t stop at producing your webinar. There are important actions you have to take for it to have a wider audience reach. This also applies to your on-demand webinars.

In fact, promoting your on-demand webinar gives your audience the opportunity to view it at their convenience. Not only this, but you will also benefit tremendously in terms of leads and sales. Here are some useful tips on how to promote your on-demand webinar:

  1. Share the recorded version of your webinar on your website

2. Look into creating a  central library of your hot and on-demand webinars on your website.

3. Leverage the power of social media. Create a catalog of your top webinars and promote them using the tips we have shared in this article.

4. Email marketing will be of great help. Just avoid making any silly email marketing mistakes.

How do you attract people to your webinar?

A successful webinar is not determined by the number of speakers or number of slides, it is determined by the number of people it attracts. To attract a good number of people to your webinar kindly pay attention to the following tips:

1. Pick a topic that is relevant

The relevancy of your webinar is very crucial to its success. Therefore, ensure that you make a thorough research on relevant topics and trends that will catch the attention of your audience. Additionally, ensure that the topic is broad enough to interest a wider range of audiences.

2. Publish high-quality content

No one wants to attend a cheap and low-quality webinar. What your target audiences want is value. Therefore, ensure that you invest in producing rich, and highly educative webinars that will create a lasting impression on your audiences.

3. Promote your webinar:

In this article, we have covered enough on how to promote your webinar on social media. It does not stop there. There are other means such as email campaigns, promotional campaigns, etc. Leverage these means to ensure that your webinar has a wider reach.

4. Make your Registration easy:

When creating your registration form, ensure that it is devoid of unnecessary details. All you need is the name and email address of the attendee. However, if you wish to add other details ensure that it is not too much.

Webinar social media posts examples (Captions)

Your webinar caption must be catchy and appealing to your audience and make them take an action. Here are some webinar caption examples you can leverage:

  • Almost sold out, click this link to register now
  • Don’t miss out on this webinar.
  • Last Chance
  • Almost Sold out
  • Register now.
  • Registration is ongoing. Take action now!


 As of now, we believe you have tangible information on how to promote your webinar on social media. When you use the right strategy with your social media advertising, your webinar is sure to reach a wider audience, and you will see tremendous results.

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