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6 Elements Of A Great Online Event Landing Page

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Posted on April 14, 2020

With over a third of the world’s population on lockdown in cities around the world, the value of online events is steadily increasing. Everyone from musicians to comedians to schools and universities is taking advantage of live-streamed performances, conferences, and lectures to engage with their audiences wherever they are.

But with the proliferation of online events, how do you make sure your virtual conferences stand out above the crowd? Well, it all begins with a solid online event landing page that encapsulates what your event is and why consumers should be interested in attending. Here are a few points to bear in mind when putting together your own online event landing page.


This is the first tip for any B2C activity, but it bears repeating. Knowing exactly who you’re marketing to, what language they respond to and how they consume their media will affect how you write your description.

This is also important for the medium on which you copy will go out. Certain audiences respond better to different marketing mediums, be they email, social networks or landing pages, and copy may differ depending on which of these mediums you choose.


Keep it simple.

2. Keep It Simple

Another sage tip comes from Leon Shelley, a business blogger at Boomessays and Assignment Help: “When it comes to online copy, simplicity is key. You will want a handful of key points to come across to the reader, and burying them in flowery language will make them harder to find and easier to forget.

Figure out up to five pieces of key information — something like event name, website, time and date, ticket-buying procedure — that you want to communicate, and build your copy out of that.”

Be detailed.

3. Be Detailed

Even though you don’t want to bombard your readers with words, make sure you use what few words you do have to give as much detail as possible. Attendees come to event descriptions with a huge range of questions in their minds; the more you can answer in the description, the more likely they will purchase tickets immediately.


Use visuals

4. Use Visuals

If the medium permits it, use visual content to enhance your description further. Consumers are much more likely to respond to and be engaged by visual information, so it pays to include some in the event description. This could be as simple as an evocative image or, even better, a trailer or teaser for the event.



5. Keywords

Keywords are really important when it comes to the mechanics of how potential attendees will find your event. Whether it’s improving SEO performance or helping users search for your event on social networks, keywords will allow you to extend your marketing reach with little to no effort by just highlighting the major themes of your event.


Tell a story.

6. Tell A Story

Norma Lewis, a marketing writer at BigAssignments and Custom Writing Service, reminds us that “With the online consumer economy, products are available at the click of a button anywhere around the world; buying is universal, commonplace, even bland. Consumers turn to events because they are unique.

They are an experience that requires engagement and so make much more of an impact than a physical purchase. Use that to your advantage when writing descriptions and telling a story for your readers. Bring the sensation of being at the event to life through your words. It’s an effort to communicate this unique experiential value of attending.”

This is especially important for online events, where the experience is somewhat removed. Building excitement in the description could actually contribute to the engagement of the event itself.



An event description is most often the deciding factor in ticket purchasing, so it’s essential to get them right. While exactly what you include in a description can vary depending on the type of event, the company hosting it, or the intended audience, these tips are pretty universal ways to engage potential buyers.

Even so, event management is a long process of trial and error that you can only master by learning from your mistakes. By knowing your audience and trying new things, you’ll always be in a good position to succeed in online event hosting.


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Article written in partnerhsip with Beatrice Potter. Beatrice Potter is a copywriter at and writing services. Beatrix has ample experience as an event manager and often helps in hosting online events. She also is an online tutor at Essay Writing Service, where she shares her knowledge of event management.


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