The "2020 Transmission Auction: business and investment opportunities in the Brazilian energy sector" is an Apex-Brasil event, organized in partnership with the National Electrical Energy Agency (ANEEL), and supported by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and the Special Secretary of the Investment Partnership Program (SPPI).
This event will present a technical view of investment opportunities in electric transmission line concession projects according to the Announcement of the Transmission Auction nº 1/2020*.
The Transmission Auction nº 1/2020 contemplates 1,958 km of transmission lines and 6,420 MVA of transformation capacity, distributed in 11 lots. Investments are estimated at R$ 7.4 billion and the generation of 15,434 direct jobs, distributed in 9 states of the Federation.
To have access to the complete notice, click here.
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It is time to invest wisely.
Invest in Brazil
October 28, 2020
10am (Brasília time / GMT-3)
The event will be conducted in Portuguese and there will be translation into English.
*The schedule may be changed.
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Apex-Brasil promotes and facilitates the attraction of foreign direct investments (FDI) with the objective of improving Brazil's image as an attractive market for foreign capital contributions, promoting the country's development and competitiveness. In addition, investment attraction actions aim to induce the transfer of innovative technologies to Brazilian companies.
In this sense, Apex-Brasil's actions consist of promoting the expansion of investments already made and, for potential investors, making Brazil appear in the short list of target countries and influencing the investment decision through the provision of strategic information, complete support to site location work (articulating and monitoring the visits of companies to potential investment receiving states) and aftercare work.
Bento was Director-General of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy, on which occasion he was in charge of the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB) and the Navy Nuclear Program (PNM), the main Strategic Programs of the Navy.
He started his military career in 1973. As a Submarine Officer: commanded the Submarines "Tamoio" and "Tonelero"; the Submarine Base "Almirante Castro e Silva"; and also the Submarine Force. He also held the posts of Chief of Staff of the Navy, Chief of Staff of the Navy Commander and Commander in Chief of the Squadron.
Minister Bento Albuquerque took Postgraduate Courses in Political Science at the University of Brasilia; MBA in Public Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas; and MBA in International Management at COPPEAD of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in addition to several Military Courses at the School of Naval War and the High Studies in Politics and Strategy at the Superior School of War, becoming a Doctor in Naval Sciences.
In the National Congress, he served as Parliamentary Advisor to the Office of the then Minister of the Navy and as Parliamentary Chief Advisor to the Commander of the Navy.
Minister Bento Albuquerque's international experience includes the position of Director General of the American Defense Board (JAD), an Organization of American States (OAS) related entity, in Washington DC, USA; and the United Nations (UN) Military Observer post during the Bosnian War - first in the city of Sarajevo and later in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
For almost three years, he served as President of the Board of Directors of “Blue Amazon Defense Technologies Inc.” (AMAZUL). Currently, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors the Energy Research Office (EPE) and is a member of the Council of Administration of Petrobras.
During the year 2019, Minister Bento Albuquerque was awarded "Personality of the Year" Award by the National Federation of Fuel, Natural Gas and Biofuel Distributors - BRASILCOM; and the "100 Most Influential of the 2019 Energy" Award, in the "Public Personalities" Category, by the Full Energy Magazine, of the Media Group.
Sergio Ricardo Segovia Barbosa, 55, is a Retired Rear Admiral in Brazilian Navy. With recognized professional experience in military, managerial and governmental areas, he has worked in Intelligence Analysis, Military Operations, and Logistics. He also worked in Emergency and Risk Management, Maritime Safety, Strategic Planning, Navigation and Maritime Operations. In addition, in the foreign trade area, he was responsible for logistics and international acquisition processes, when in charge of the acceptance team for the Brazilian Navy polar ship Almirante Maximiano. Segovia has a postgraduate degree in Politics and Strategy from the War College.
A career official serving as Regulatory Specialist, he has been director of ANEEL since August 2010. As an official of the Agency, he served on the renewable sources project authorization team of the Office of the Superintendent of Generation Concessions and Authorizations (SCG) (2000-2002); at the Office of the Superintendent of Market Studies (SEM) (2002-2006); and at the advisory office of the Board (ASD) (2006-2010). He is a civil engineer from the University of Brasília (UnB), with a specialization in Geotechnical Sciences, also from UnB, and holds an MBA in Theory and Operation of a Modern National Economy from George Washington University. He also attended the eleventh edition of the Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy at the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida. Between May 2012 and May 2014, he served as Director of the Brazilian Association of Regulatory Agencies (ABAR). In March 2015, he was elected Vice President of the Ibero-American Association of Energy Regulatory Entities (ARIAE), with a three-year term. In May 2018, he was elected President of ARIAE for a three-year term. His main research interests include energy policies for renewable energy, innovation and smart grids, modeling paths towards sustainable energy systems, and liberalization of energy markets.
Thiago Prado holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasilia, with a Master's degree in Energy and Electrotechnics from the Interunits Energy Program (POLI/IF/IEE/FEA) of the University of São Paulo, Specialization in Alternative Energy Sources from the Federal University of Lavras, MBA in Project Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas with Specialization in Public Policy and Government Management in the Energy and Mineral Sectors at the Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PhD in Electrical Engineering at the School of Technology of the University of Brasilia and Work Safety Engineer.
Professionally, he developed his career in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Secretariat of Energy (SEN); Power Plants of the North, as Equipment and Materials Engineer; Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Resources, in the Board of Environmental Licensing as an Environmental Specialist. He belongs to the effective staff of the National Electrical Energy Agency as an Energy Public Service Regulation Specialist. From 2007 to 2016 he was Project Manager at the MME, 2016 to 2019 he was General Coordinator of Electric Energy Transmission Planning and is currently the Energy Planning Director of the Ministry at Mines and Energy
Graduated in Electrical Engineering (UFU) and Law (UnB), Specialist in Electric Energy Regulatory Law (UnB) and Economy and Regulation of Public Services (GWU / USA and UB / ESP). Integrates the career of Regulation Specialist at ANEEL, where he served as Superintendent, Advisor to the Board of Directors and Auction Manager. He was employed and Director of COELBA, and Advisor to the Minister of Mines and Energy (1995-1998).
Bachelor in Law, by UFMG. LLM in Electric Energy Regulation, by UnB. Extensive professional experience in litigation and legal advice in administrative (regulatory) and tax law in the electricity and telecommunications sectors. Joined ANEEL in 2005, as a Regulation Specialist. Between 2005 and 2011, worked at the Superintendence of Economic and Financial Inspection - SFF. Between 2012 and 2019, acted as an advisor of the Agency's Directorate. As of November 2019, was appointed as manager of the Agency's Executive Auctions Secretariat, unit responsible for organizing energy, transmission and distribuicion auctions.
Roberto Escoto, Head of Investment Department of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), is a Major General of the Brazilian Army (Retired). He graduated from the Brazil Military Academy (AMAN) and holds a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Brasilia (UnB) and a PhD in Military Sciences from the Army Command and General Staff College (ECEME).
Along 37 years in the military, he served in several advisory, leadership and command positions in Brazil and abroad. Between 2008 and 2010, he was the Army Attaché's Deputy at the Brazilian Embassy in the United States and Canada. During this period, he headed the Brazilian Army Commission in Washington (CEBW), a body responsible for international purchases of defense material. He also worked at the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and at the United Nations Department of Peace Operations in New York.