Social infrastructure is considered one of Brazil's priorities and access to basic sanitation is essential for the population.
In July, the Brazilian government approved the Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation in the country, which provides for the universalization of water and sewage services by 2033.
The law will standardize rules and provide legal advice, something that investors from all over the world expected, in addition to being a historic achievement that makes it possible for every Brazilian to have access to drinking water and treated sewage.
Invest in Brasil Infrastructure - Sanitation Edition will show the public the main regulatory changes in the sector, in addition to a debate on the main projects, constituting a favorable environment for dialogue, the exchange of ideas and opportunities for investors.
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Oct 6th: Invest in Brasil Infrastructure - Turkey Edition
Oct 20th: Invest in Brasil Infrastructure - Ports
Nov 9th and 10th - Brasil Investment Forum
Apex-Brasil has acted strongly with foreign investors, Brazilian companies and governments in promoting and attracting investments. What are the main services performed by the agency for the benefit of its clients?
Adriana Albanese – Adriana joined Aegea in 2017 as Head of Investor Relations. Adriana holds a B.Sc. in Economic Sciences from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and a master’s degree in Finance & Investment Banking from FIA - USP. Prior to joining Aegea, she served in the Planning, M&A and Investor Relations areas at Brazilian business conglomerates - Ultra Group and Odebrecht -, energy company ISA CTEEP and sugar-ethanol producers - Atvos and Biosev.
Substitute National Secretary of Sanitation and Chief of Staff of the National Secretariat of Sanitation at the Ministry of Regional Development. He has worked for 12 years in the basic sanitation sector in the Federal Government, in the management of sanitation policies. He is a civil engineer, master in sanitation and specialist in public sector themes.
André Oliveira de Araújo is a National Manager at CAIXA and manages the Bank's Partnership Program responsible for structuring Concession and PPP projects. He is a civil engineer from the University of Brasilia, postgraduate in Project Management from Universidade Federal Fluminense, postgraduate in Concessions and Partnerships with Public Administration. He has CP3P certifications from APMG and the London School of Economics in Public-Private Partnership Work.
Carlos Motta Nunes is a civil engineer with a specialization in Hydraulics and Sanitation from UFRJ. Master in Water Engineering and Environment from the University of Surrey, England and Master in Public Administration from Harvard University, USA. Specialist in Water Resources and Basic Sanitation at ANA since 2003, where he held several positions. He is currently Deputy Superintendent of Support for the National Water Resources Management System and coordinates the work group created at ANA to structure the agency to receive the new competencies resulting from the Sanitation Legal Framework.
Board Member
Fulbright Brasil (since 2020)Funcex (since 2019)Apex (since 2019)
Special Secretariat for Strategic Affairs (SAE), Executive Office of the President (2017-18)
Undersecretary for Strategic Planning
Universidade de Brasília (since 1993), on leave
Lecturer in International Political Economy, iRel-Instituto de Rel. Internacionais (since ’98)Chair, Graduate Certificate in Int’l Relations (1999-2009)Lecturer, POL-Department of Politics and International Relations (1995-97)
Australia National University–ANU (2012—2014)
Lecturer, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, School of Literature, Languages and LinguisticsVisiting Fellow, School of Politics and International RelationsAssociate, Australian National Centre for Latin American Studies-ANCLAS
IUPERJ-Rio de Janeiro’s Social Sciences Institute (2001)
Doctor in Political Science, Political Economy
Instituto Rio Branco [Brazilian School of Diplomacy] (2007-2011)
University of Oxford (2009-’10)
Visiting Academic, Latin American Centre (w/ teaching responsibilities) and the Global Economic Governance Programme
University of California, Berkeley (1996-’98)
Fulbright Visiting-Scholar
Fulbright Alumni Association, Brasil (2005-’07)
More than 13 years of experience in economic regulation of concession and PPP contracts and in financial advisory services for infrastructure projects, being responsible for the finance structuring of important concessions (total amount raised over BRL 7.3 billion);Coordinator of the water and sewage committee of the Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Industries (ABDIB);Consultant of the New Development Bank and of the World Bank;Teacher at important universities and MBAs: Currently at MBA PPP and PUC Minas and previously at Insper and PUC São Paulo.
Daniel is a partner in KPMG Toronto with nearly 20 years’ experience in public accounting. Daniel lived in Brazil for 5 years and has been working with Brazilian based companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange for nearly 15 years. Daniel is Fluent in Portuguese and is Co-chair of the Brazil Canada Chamber of Commerce and a member of the executive committee.
Fábio Almeida Abrahão é engenheiro mecânico graduado pela UFRJ e mestre em administração pelo Instituto COPPEAD/UFRJ. Cursou também especialização em gestão, estratégia e inovação pelo MIT/ Sloan.
Atuou como assessor especial do Ministro da Economia. Como sócio-fundador do Infra Partners Investimentos, liderou mais de 40 decisões de investimento em infraestrutura e iniciativas de turnaround. Foi fundador de dois operadores logísticos de base tecnológica, com atividade em todas as regiões do Brasil e países da América Latina.
Ambassador Jennifer May joined Global Affairs Canada in 1990 following Master’s studies in International Relations at the University of Vienna, Austria. She arrived in Brasilia in August 2019 following 4 years as Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Canada to Germany, in Berlin. At Headquarters, her assignments have focused on Europe and security issues, serving as Executive Director of Defense and Relations, Director of Eastern Europe and Eurasia Relations and in various positions in the Directorates of Southern and Northern Europe Relations. Abroad, she has served in Bonn, Hong Kong, Beijing, Vienna, and Bangkok, and most recently in Berlin. She is accompanied in Brasilia by her husband Markus Streibel and two teenage children; her oldest son is currently studying at university in Vienna.
Experiência: Foi Diretora do Departamento de Regulação e Concorrência da Aviação Civil (DERC) da Secretaria de Aviação Civil (SAC-PR), de 2011 a 2016, e coordenadora do Departamento de Políticas do mesmo órgão em 2010. Ela foi a primeira mulher a ocupar o cargo de CEO da Infraero, em janeiro de 2018.
Formação Acadêmica: Mestre em Economia pela Universidade de Brasília / UnB. Iniciou sua carreira como funcionária pública como Especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental, frequentando aulas na Escola Nacional de Administração Pública / ENAP. Ela também é bacharel em Economia pela Universidade de Brasília / UnB e outra em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília / UniCEUB.
Ambassador Lopes Borio joined the foreign service in 1977 as an adviser in the department of international organizations.
A year later, he was sent to New York and stayed on as an adviser at the mission to the United Nations. In 1986, he went to Tokyo as second secretary and eventually chargé d’affaires over a three-year posting.
He returned to headquarters in 1989, and was posted again to the U.S., this time to Washington, as counsellor in 1993. He returned to headquarters in 1998, working on files in communications, culture and law.
In 2008, he was sent to Sri Lanka as ambassador and also represented Brazil in the Maldives during part of that posting. He returned to Brasilia as a senior adviser to the minister of foreign affairs before being sent as consul-general to San Francisco. Ambassador Borio arrived in Ottawa in March 2020.
Roberto Escoto, Gerente de Investimentos da Apex-Brasil é General da Reserva. Graduou-se na Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, além de possuir Mestrado em Relações Internacionais pela UnB e Doutorado em Ciências Militares pela Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército.
Durante seus 37 anos de serviço, ocupou várias funções de comando e de assessoramento, no Brasil e no exterior. Entre 2008 e 2010, foi Adjunto do Adido Militar nos EUA e Canadá e Chefe da Comissão do Exército em Washington, órgão responsável por aquisições internacionais de material de defesa. Além disso, trabalhou na Missão de Estabilização da ONU no Haiti e no Departamento de Operações de Paz da ONU, em Nova York.
Rogério Simonetti Marinho é economista e professor. Em fevereiro deste ano, foi nomeado para o cargo de Ministro do Desenvolvimento Regional pelo presidente da República Jair Bolsonaro. Até então, estava à frente da Secretaria Especial de Previdência e Trabalho, do Ministério da Economia, onde atuou como um dos principais articuladores da Nova Previdência.
Nascido em Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte, foi deputado federal pelo Estado por três mandatos. À época, foi relator do projeto que mudou regras do Programa de Financiamento Estudantil (FIES) e atuou em prol da modernização da legislação trabalhista.
No estado, atuou como vereador; presidente da Câmara Municipal de Natal; secretário municipal de Planejamento e secretário estadual de Desenvolvimento Econômico.
Sérgio Barros is currently the CFO of BRK Ambiental, the major Brazilian water and wastewater private company, since September 2016. Prior to that, Sérgio worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers from 1993 to 2004, as an external auditor, attending clients in several economic activities such as heavy construction, hospitality, industrial assembly, chemical and petrochemical, beverage. After leaving PwC, Sérgio served for 12 years in the Odebrecht Group, acting in several positions (Accountant, Controller, Project Financing, M&A, Treasury, CFO) in the financial area in different business segments, such as power and sanitation.
Sérgio holds a bachelor´s degree in Accountancy from Universidade Católica do Salvador, Bahia.
Sergio Ricardo Segovia Barbosa, 55, is a Retired Rear Admiral in Brazilian Navy. With recognized professional experience in military, managerial and governmental areas, he has worked in Intelligence Analysis, Military Operations, and Logistics. He also worked in Emergency and Risk Management, Maritime Safety, Strategic Planning, Navigation and Maritime Operations. In addition, in the foreign trade area, he was responsible for logistics and international acquisition processes, when in charge of the acceptance team for the Brazilian Navy polar ship Almirante Maximiano. Segovia has a postgraduate degree in Politics and Strategy from the War College.