Letter from the President
I would like to invite you all to attend the 2021 Virtual Annual Canadian Society of Echocardiography Weekend to be held on Saturday, April 17, 2021, and Sunday, April 18, 2021. Similar to last year, as we continue to navigate new frontiers in the current COVID-19 era, we are excited to again host the 2021 Annual CSE weekend in a VIRTUAL format. Based on your valuable feedback, our 2-day program will focus on the most requested educational topics to be presented by our top-tier Canadian speakers including echocardiographers and sonographers.
On Saturday, we will set the stage with “Back to Foundations: Valvular Heart Disease”, “Shaking the Foundations: Heart failure”, “Reinforcing the Foundations: Hemodynamics 101”, and a keynote presentation from Dr. Thor Edvardsen, immediate past President of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging: “Beyond LVEF: Strain”. In addition, we will include a rapid-fire scientific abstract competition with presentations from our trainees and early career faculty across Canada, our famous “Cases across Canada”, and conclude Saturday with a Karaoke celebration hosted by our one and only multi-talented Chi-Ming Chow!
On Sunday, we will explore new developments in echo, starting with a Featured Session on “Extending Ultrasound Imaging Frontiers” focusing on lung ultrasound, vexus, and teleguidance. In addition to sessions on “Echocardiography in Coronary Artery Disease”, “Role of Echo in Critical Care”, and “Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging”, we will host a keynote presentation from Dr. Judy Hung, current President of the American Society of Echocardiography on “Transcatheter Mitral Valve Therapy” and a special “CSE Cares: Ergonomics: Taking Care of Yourself” session with presentations from the Mayo Clinic team. We will conclude our VIRTUAL Annual CSE weekend with an all interactive game show. Stay tuned!
Below you will find the official 2-day program and the registration information. Our CSE family is looking forward to seeing you all again this year at the 2021 Virtual Annual Canadian Society of Echocardiography Weekend. See you all in April!
Best regards and stay safe.
Davinder S. Jassal, MD, FACC, FCCS, FRCP(C)
President, Canadian Society of EchocardiographyProgram Objectives
At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
• Describe the current role and application of echocardiography in patients with suspected and established cardiovascular disease
• Identify how novel and evolving echocardiography techniques can be applied to the clinical practice of echocardiography.
• Describe how echocardiography integrates with other cardiac imaging modalities (computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) to optimally evaluate the patient with suspected or confirmed cardiovascular disease.
Organizing Committee
Davinder S. Jassal and Sharon L. Mulvagh (Co-Chairs), Shaheeda Ahmed, David Bewick, Chi-Ming Chow, Robin Ducas, Heather Cooley, Nowell Fine, Christine Henri, Omid Kiamanesh, Christina Luong, Howard Leong-Poi, and Lauren Toni
Technical Support
Chi-Ming Chow, Sabe De
Admin Support
Faye Orser, Cameron Eekhoudt , Sonu Varghese
Q: Does ARDMS accept the CSE meeting credits for sonographers?
A: CSE 2021 virtual meeting is accredited by Sonography Canada. The SonographyBased (SB) CPD credits are accepted by ARDMS.
Q: I will be working during the meeting weekend. Will I have access to the video recordings to watch at my own pace afterwards?
A: As a registered participant, CSE 2021 virtual meeting video recordings will be available for one year at the meeting site.
Q: I am on call during the CSE 2021 Virtual Echo Weekend. I cannot attend the confernece live. Will I still be eligible for the CME credits if I only watch the meeting videos afterwards on my own.
A: You can still obtain Royal College Secton 2 credits if you are reviewing the meeting videos on your own.
Director of Echo Lab, University Health Network,
Toronto General Hospital
Arsene Basmadjian MD, MSc, FCCS, FRCPC
President of the Association of Cardiologist of the Province of Quebec
Past Chief of Echocardiography Montreal Heart Institute
Bibiana Cujec MD
Med. Professor of Medicine, University of Alberta
Alberta Health Services
David Messika-Zeitoun MD, PhD, FESC
Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Dinesh Thavendiranathan SM, MD
Cardiologist, Peter Munk Cardiac Center, Toronto General Hospital
University of Toronto
Doug Hayami MD, MDCM, FRCPC
Cardiologist and Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology
Halifax Infirmary Site, Dalhousie University
Francois Tournoux MD, PhD
Cardiologist and Principal Scientist CHUM Research Centre
Director of the Heart Failure Clinic
Geraldine Ong MD
Cardiologist and Assistant Professor of Medicine
St.Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto
Ghislaine Douflé MD, MEd.
Critical Care Physician and Education Lead Medical/Surgical Critical Care Unit,
University Health Network, Toronto General Hospital
Ian Burwash MD, FRCPC
Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Associate Professor of Medicine, McGill University.
Director fo Echo Lab, Jewish General Hospital, Montréal, QC
Jasmine Grewal MD
Cardiologist and Clinical Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia
Jonathan Beaudoin MD
Cardiologist Institut Universitaire De Cardiologie Et De Pneumologie De Quebec
Judy Hung, MD
President, American Society of Echocardiography
Cardiac Radiologist. Associate Director, Echocardiography
Division of Cardiology. Massachusetts General Hospital
Marie-Annick Clavel DVM, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine of Universite Laval
Researcher, Quebec Heart and Lung University Instiute
Michael Chetrit MD, FACC
Cardiologist, Division of Cardiology, McGill University