CSE 2023 Hybrid Echo Weekend
04/13/2023 (8:00 AM)
04/15/2023 (6:00 PM)
(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
525 Bay St, Toronto ON
President's Letter
Greetings! I would like to invite you all to attend the 25th Annual Canadian Society of Echocardiography Hybrid Weekend to be held April 13-15, 2023, at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Center Hotel.  This a very special year for multiple reasons and I surely hope you can join us!  We will be gathering together in-person for the first time in three years to celebrate our Silver Anniversary, and, for those who cannot come in personwe will also be livestreaming as we hold our first-ever hybrid meeting!  
The lessons from our pandemic years have been hard-earned, but we have survived, and even thrived, under the careful and expert leadership of Dr. Davinder Jassal, to whom we are most grateful.  We feel confident that we can provide our educational offerings in a hybrid format, which extends our reach regionally, nationally and internationally.  The general acceptance of virtual learning, catalyzed by the pandemic, is a convenient reality for many of us, yet we hunger for those IRL (In Real Life) connections with our colleagues and the familiarity of learning in an interactive environment. The added valued of in-person interactive and collaborative networking, mentoring and hands-on activities cannot be understated.  That is why we are so excited to be able to hold a hybrid CSE meeting for the first time this year, in order to satisfy the needs of all of our membership. 
Throughout the pandemic, we learned that we are resilient, resourceful, and adaptable. Based on your valuable feedback, our 3-day program will focus on the most requested educational topics to be presented by our top-tier Canadian speakers, including both echocardiologists and cardiac sonographers, and international experts representing our sister organizations, EACVI and ASE.   The added value of the in-person meeting format allows us to again offer Learning Labs for 3-D and Strain, and Workshops for Contrast Echo and POCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound) - this is the time to brush up on your 3-D and strain interpretation skills, or learn new techniques, such as lung ultrasound, and myocardial perfusion, through hands-on learning and coaching. The aim of the Learning Labs and Workshops is to enable the participant to get an introduction to 3D dataset manipulation for ventricular and valvular analysis, to learn how to do 2D strain in common clinical applications, to introduce the cardiac ultrasound user to imaging for lung comets, pleural effusion and vascular abnormalities, and to review optimization of contrast use for left ventricular opacification, and learn new approaches with myocardial perfusion. We have recruited Canadian leaders to conduct these sessions using equipment from both GE and Philips. The sessions are ticketed and limited to allow sufficient interaction and support, so be sure to sign up early! 
On Thursday evening, we will set the stage for this jam-packed high-level learning experience with our featured symposium, “The Conundrum of the Thick Heart – A Multimodality Imaging approach”.  There will be a welcome buffet dinner, and then we will hear about the latest approaches in the use of noninvasive imaging techniques to establish the diagnosis and enhance management of the challenging conditions of hypertrophic and infiltrative cardiomyopathies.  Saturday and Sunday are full days with scheduled sessions covering a breadth of echocardiographic topics including pericardial disease, adult congenital heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, structural heart disease and interventional echocardiography, right-ventricular assessment, artificial intelligence, diastolic function, multimodality imaging in acute ischemic syndromes, stress echo, and much more! Highlights include this year’s guest speakers: Dr. Steffen Peterson, President of The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) and multimodality imaging expert, who will speak Friday on “Is excessive Trabeculation of the Left Ventricle a Disease Entity?”, and Dr. Stephen Little, President of the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), my good friend and another dual Canadian/American, who will speak Saturday on “Echocardiography: at the Crossroads of Imaging and Intervention”.
New this year are concurrent focused breakout sessions addressing topics most relevant to sonographers, trainees, critical care intensivists, and those involved in Echo lab accreditation.  In-person and moderated poster presentations of scientific abstracts from our trainees and early career faculty across Canada will occur throughout the program, with judging and awards for the top presenters.
As we gather, there will be lots of opportunity for networking, mentoring, reminiscing, and collaborative forward momentum.  We will celebrate on Friday with a special 25thAnniversary reception including premiere viewing of CSE Echolab 25th Silver Anniversary Celebration videos from across the county (please submit your video by April 1st, so your lab is represented in this fun event!) followed by a new edition of our famous CSE Game Show.  On Saturday afternoon, we continue the celebrations with a focused 25th Silver Anniversary Session including recognition of the passing of Dr. Jean Dumesnil, presentation of the CSE Distinguished Sonographer Award, recognition of the CSE 2022 Annual Achievement Awardee, followed by a “Look Back over the Years” by CSE past-president Dr. Chi-Ming Chow, then concluding with the The Dr. Jim Swan Lecture: A Look Forward - Where we are, and where we need to go”, presented by another CSE past-president, Dr. Kwan Chan.  Finally, we will wrap up our program with the iconic national review of “Cases Across Canada” where our colleagues across the country share challenging, intriguing and controversial cases – always a dynamic engaging session, and a great way to conclude our collegial, informative meeting.  
As always, we are appreciative of our industry sponsors who generously provide unrestricted educational grants and equipment access to enable delivery of this premiere echocardiographic educational experience in Canada, in order that we may continue our mission to promote excellence in the delivery of quality echocardiographic services across Canada. In addition, we appreciate the Canadian Cardiovascular Society for supporting our meeting logistics with their wonderful team, and the expertise of our AV and platform vendors, SW (very appropriately stands for “SoundWaves”!) and In-Event, in facilitating our hybrid program. 
Whether you join in-person or virtually, our CSE family will be thrilled to welcome and greet each other at the 25th Annual Canadian Society of Echocardiography Hybrid Weekend for 2023. Looking forward to seeing you all in April to reunite and reconnect! 

Sharon L. Mulvagh MD, FRCP(C), FASE, FACC, FAHA

President, Canadian Society of Echocardiography
Organizing Committe

Organizing Committee

Sharon L. Mulvagh (Chair), Igal Sebag (Co-Chair), Chi-Ming Chow (Webmaster),

Jeremy Adams, Shaheeda Ahmed, Aws Almufleh, Carly Burry, Ian Burwash,

Annabel Chen-Tournoux, Michael Chetrit, Heather Cooley, Robin Ducas, Tyler Lamb, Christina Luong, David Messika-Zeitoun,  Thi Kim Hanh Nguyen, Steven Promislow, Kenneth Szeto, Sara Faubert

Program at a Glance

*Early Registration Deadline is March 30, 2023*

If you  encounter any errors during the registration process, please email Helpdesk@sw-online.com 


Overall Course Objectives:

At the end of this program, participants will be able to: 

-Describe the current role and application of echocardiography in patients with suspected and overt cardiac disease 

- Identify how novel and evolving echocardiography techniques can be applied to the clinical practice of echocardiography 

-Describe how echocardiography integrates with other cardiac imaging modalities to optimally evaluate the patient with suspected or confirmed cardiovascular disease 

Overall and individual session goals will be obtained by offering expert speakers combined with an interactive and usually case-based format to enhance applicability of transmitted information. 

Adequate time will be reserved for audience questions, comprising approximately 25% of each talk/session.

 In addition, faculty will be available for audience questions during breaks. In order to optimize audience concentration, presentations will be available to the registrants in a PDF format prior to the live presentations.

Session Objectives 

The Conundrum of the Thick Heart: A Multimodality Imaging Approach

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Review the role of echocardiography and multimodality imaging in diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

-Understand the indications for and interpretation of echocardiography and multimodality imaging in diagnosis and management of infiltrative cardiomyopathies. 

-Recognize the continued and evolving utility of echocardiography and complementary imaging modalities in evaluation of the thickened myocardium through case-study analysis. 

Pericardial Disease: Navigating the Spectrum

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Discuss the echocardiographic diagnosis of pericardial tamponade. 

-Describe the echocardiographic manifestations of constrictive pericarditis

-Understand the importance of echocardiography as well as multi-modality imaging to guide diagnosis and management of pericarditis. 

Adult Congenital Heart Disease - A Primer

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Understand the comprehensive transthoracic echocardiographic approach to the evaluation of patients for adult congenital heart disease, including atrial septal defect (ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), tetralogy of fallot (TOF) and transposition of the great arteries (TGA). 

-Describe the role of the echocardiographic evaluation of patients with adult congenital heart disease in considering interventional and surgical interventions.

-Recognize the indications for and significance of ACHD imaging in pregnancy. 

Contemporary Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Understand the differences in the ASE and EACVI guidelines for imaging in pulmonary hypertension patients

-Describe the high-risk echocardiographic findings that suggest a poor prognosis in patients with pulmonary hypertension.

-Describe new echocardiographic indices for the evaluation of pulmonary hypertension

EACVI Lecture: Is excessive trabeculation of the left ventricle a disease entity?

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-To explain why the term noncompaction should be discouraged and excessive trabeculation be used instead

-To discuss why presence of excessive trabeculation in adults should not affect clinical management

-To be aware that presence in excessive trabeculation in infants and children may still need special considerations regarding clinical management

Valvular Heart Disease and Trans-Catheter Interventions: Is my Patient a Candidate?

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Recognize the value of TTE and TEE imaging in TAVI patients. 

-Describe the comprehensive transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiographic imaging approach to the evaluation of patients for mitral and tricuspid clip intervention. 

-Understand how transesophageal echocardiography can be used to guide mitral and tricuspid clip interventions

Conundrums of the Right-Heart - Clearing the Fog

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Assess the complex interplay between physiology and morphology in the determination of tricuspid valve function.

-Describe in detail the use of echocardiography in the evaluation of patients who present with tricuspid regurgitation and how to quantitatively assess tricuspid regurgitation

-Recognize the clinical evidence supporting tricuspid clip interventions

Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Mystique and the Hype

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Understand the role of artificial intelligence in medical imaging 

-Describe artificial intelligence solutions that enable automated measurements and reporting.

-Understand the current and future role of machine/deep learning to practice of echocardiography.

Diastology:  Basic to Advanced

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Describe the role of echocardiography in the assessment of diastolic function, according to ASE and EACVI guidelines

-Understand how to resolve discrepant or indeterminate values in the echocardiographic assessment of diastolic function

Stress Echo: GWTG and Do It Right!

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Describe role of stress echocardiography in the assessment of the dyspneic patient. 

-Understand how to optimally perform a supine exercise bike study.

-Recognize the emerging role of strain assessment in stress echocardiography. 

Multimodality Imaging of Acute Ischemic Syndromes

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Describe the role of echocardiography the assessment of post-MI complications. 

-Recognize the value of multimodality imaging in determining the etiology of MINOCA

-Describe the echocardiographic findings in stress cardiomyopathy and myocarditis 

ASE Lecture: Echocardiography: at the crossroads of imaging and intervention. 

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Describe the echocardiographic features used in patient selection for transcatheter mitral and tricuspid valve intervention.

-Recognize applications for patient-specific digital and physical modeling.

-Recall the summary points of the new ASE training guidelines for interventional echocardiography.

Trainee How-To: Seeking Opportunities Beyond our Borders

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Understand the opportunities for advanced echocardiography and research training 

-Discuss mechanisms and approaches to achieving competence in advanced echocardiographic techniques

Sonographer Forum: Ergonomics, Workflow, and How to make this Image better? 

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Recognize echocardiographic findings in endocarditis.

-Describe practical and advanced echocardiographic techniques to optimize imaging

-Understand ergonomic and workflow approaches to facilitating echocardiographic studies.

Multidisciplinary Approach to Critical Care Echo

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Review the role of point of care ultrasound in the hemodynamic assessment of the ICU patient.

-Describe role of critical care to assess the acutely dyspneic patient. 

-Understand the role of echocardiography in managing the septic patient.

The Nuts & Bolts of Echo Lab Accreditation 

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

-Discuss how to set up a quality assurance program in your echo lab.

-Understand how to implement improvements for quality assurance 

Special Silver Anniversary Session: "Echo in Canada"

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

-Describe the evolution of echocardiography in Canada over the past several decades to better understand the current utility of echocardiography.

-Understand how to integrate established and emerging echocardiographic techniques (such as 3D echo, contrast and strain as well as multimodality imaging) in evaluating patients with valvular heart diseases (including post-intervention), non-ischemic heart disease and stroke/embolism.

-Review evolving echocardiographic and information technology advances that will drive the future of cardiac imaging for clinical management, including artificial intelligence, fusion and vortex imaging

Cases across Canada:

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:

-Learn from interesting echo cases from across Canada as presented by our national and international faculty members.

-Understand the controversies and key learning points from the cases presented. 

-Engage in the discussion around these challenging cases using Twitter audience response and live questioning.

Workshops and Learning Labs – General objectives:

Review four clinically important areas in echocardiography (Strain, 3-D, Contrast Echo, POCUS) in smaller group settings including computer interaction or live scanning to enhance learning and enable interactions among participants.

Strain Learning Lab:

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Understand the practical aspects of performing 2D strain imaging

-Review the specific 2D strain online and offline echo analysis packages.

-Demonstrate in a small group setting how to optimally use the 2D strain analysis in clinical applications such as follow-up of cancer chemotherapy patients and cardiomyopathies.

3-D Learning Lab:

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Review the specific 3D online and offline echo analysis packages offered on the GE and Philips platforms. 

-Demonstrate in a small group setting how to optimally use the 3D cropping methods. 

-Demonstrate in a small group setting how to optimally use the LV and mitral valve analysis packages.

POCUS workshop:

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Understand how POCUS can be used by the cardiologist in day to day practice

-Perform lung ultrasound technique.

-Recognize the training requirements for the optimal use of POCUS. 

-Describe the limitations of hand-help and point-of-care ultrasound to ensure its complementary role with a comprehensive echocardiographic exam.

Contrast workshop:

At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 

-Demonstrate in a live and interactive setting how to utilize echo contrast and incorporate the echo contrast in the workflow of a busy echo lab.

-Describe the basic concepts, indications and practical considerations in contrast echocardiography

-Recognize the incremental value of contrast echo.


Thank You to all of our Sponsors

Hotel Infomation

We proudly offer a special booking rate to CSE Hybrid 2023 ECHO weekend attendees group rates at the Marriott Downtown CF Toronto Eaton Center.
Hotel Address: 
Marriott Downtown CF Toronto Eaton Centre
525 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5G 2L2
(416) 597-9200
 Please see the link below to book a hotel room for group rates.

 Please Click Here 

Trinity Ballroom
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
Feature symposium Presentation: The Conundrum of the Thick Heart: A Multimodality Imaging Approach
Feature symposium Presentation: The Conundrum of the Thick Heart: A Multimodality Imaging Approach
19:00-19:05 Welcome/Introductions Nowell Fine/Anna Woo
19:05-19:20 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: From Diagnosis to Prognosis to Management Gillian Nesbitt
19:20-19:35 Infiltrative Disorders of the Heart: Amyloidosis, Fabry’s and the Zebras Sarah Blissett
19:35-20:15 Test Your Skills! Case Presentations encompassing the Common and the Uncommon Ken Szeto, Carly Burry, Steve Promislow, Michael Chetrit
20:15-20:30 Discussion All faculty
20:30-20:35 Conclusions/Wrap-Up Nowell/Anna
Grand Ballroom
7:00 PM
8:35 PM
Anna Woo
Carly Burry
Gillian Nesbitt
Ken Szeto
Michael Chetrit
Nowell Fine
Sarah Blissett
Steve Promislow
Registration and Breakfast, & Posters
Registration and Breakfast, & Posters
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
Morning Session Day 2
Morning Session Day 2
Friday Theme Chairs/ Speakers 
7:00-8:00 Registration and Breakfast, & Posters
8:00-8:10 Welcome & Introductory Comments Sharon Mulvagh and Igal Sebag
8:10-9:10 Pericardial Disease: Navigating the Spectrum Moderators: Ian Burwash, Rashmi Varshney
8:10-8:25 PE: Tamponade or Not? Refining our Diagnosis with Confidence Tyler Lamb 
8:25-8:40 Constrictive Pericarditis: Criteria, Precautions and Pitfalls Aws Almufleh 
8:40-8:55 Recurrent Pericarditis: A New Paradigm Shift in Imaging-Guided Therapy
9:10-10:10 Adult Congenital Heart Disease - A Primer Moderators: Robin Ducas, Beata Bruchal-Garbicz
9:10-9:25 Essential Views and Approaches in ACHD: From Simple to Complex Erwin Oechslin
9:25-9:40 Is My Patient with ASD/VSD/PDA/PVR/Coarct a Candidate for Transcatheter Intervention? Doug Hayami -accepted
9:40-9:55 Imaging ACHD in Pregnancy: When, Why and How Jasmine Grewal
9:55-10:10 Discussion
10:30-11:30 Topic: Contemporary Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension Moderators: Sabe De, Heather Cooley
10:30-10:45 ASE vs. ESC Guidelines Lawrence Rudski
10:45-11:00 What is the incremental value of the new indices? Cheryl Saw
11:00-11:15 Building Consensus for the Canadian Approach to Echo Assessment of PH Amer Johri
11:15-11:30 Discussion
11:30-12:15 EACVI Lecture Moderators: Sharon Mulvagh and Igal Sebag
Is excessive trabeculation of the left ventricle a disease entity? Steffen Peterson
8:00 AM
12:15 PM
Welcome & Introductory Comments
Welcome & Introductory Comments
Grand Ballroom
8:00 AM
8:10 AM
Igal Sebag
Sharon Mulvagh
Pericardial Disease: Navigating the Spectrum
Pericardial Disease: Navigating the Spectrum
8:10-9:10 Pericardial Disease: Navigating the Spectrum Moderators: Ian Burwash, Rashmi Varshney
8:10-8:25 PE: Tamponade or Not? Refining our Diagnosis with Confidence Tyler Lamb
8:25-8:40 Constrictive Pericarditis: Criteria, Precautions and Pitfalls Aws Almufleh 
8:40-8:55 Recurrent Pericarditis: A New Paradigm Shift in Imaging-Guided Therapy Allan Klein 
8:55-9:10 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
8:10 AM
9:10 AM
Allan Klein
Aws Almufleh
Ian Burwash
Rashmi Varshney
Tyler Lamb
Adult Congenital Heart Disease - A Primer
Adult Congenital Heart Disease - A Primer
9:10-10:10 Adult Congenital Heart Disease - A Primer Moderators: Robin Ducas, Beata Bruchal-Garbicz
9:10-9:25 Essential Views and Approaches in ACHD: From Simple to Complex Erwin Oechslin
9:25-9:40 Is My Patient with ASD/VSD/PDA/PVR/Coarct a Candidate for Transcatheter Intervention? Doug Hayami -accepted
9:40-9:55 Imaging ACHD in Pregnancy: When, Why and How Jasmine Grewal
9:55-10:10 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
9:10 AM
10:10 AM
Beata Bruchal-Garbicz
Doug Hayami
Erwin Oechslin
Jasmine Grewal
Robin Ducas
10:10 AM
10:30 AM
LEARNING LABS Round 1: 3-D with GE
LEARNING LABS Round 1: 3-D with GE
York A
10:15 AM
11:30 AM
Jean Buithieu
Michael Chetrit
LEARNING LABS Round 1: Strain with Philips, Ushape
LEARNING LABS Round 1: Strain with Philips, Ushape
York B
10:15 AM
11:30 AM
Maala Sooriyakanthan
Raveen Pal
Wendy Tsang
Contemporary Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension
Contemporary Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension
10:30-11:30 Contemporary Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension Moderators: Sabe De, Heather Cooley
10:30-10:45 ASE vs. ESC Guidelines Lawrence Rudski
10:45-11:00 What is the incremental value of the new indices? Cheryl Saw
11:00-11:15 Building Consensus for the Canadian Approach to Echo Assessment of PH Amer Johri
11:15-11:30 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
Amer Johri
Cheryl Saw
Heather Cooley
Lawrence Lau
Lawrence Rudski
Sabe De
EACVI Lecture
EACVI Lecture
Is excessive trabeculation of the left ventricle a disease entity?

11:30-12:15 EACVI Lecture Moderators: Sharon Mulvagh and Igal Sebag
Is excessive trabeculation of the left ventricle a disease entity? Steffen Peterson
Grand Ballroom
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
Igal Sebag
Sharon Mulvagh
Steffen Petersen
LUNCH BREAK - Poster Sessions
LUNCH BREAK - Poster Sessions
12:15 PM
1:00 PM
Afternoon Session Day 2
Afternoon Session Day 2
13:00-14:00 Topic: VHD and Trans-Catheter Interventions: Is my Patient a Candidate? Moderators: Hahn, Shaheeda Ahmed
13:00-13:15 Imaging in TAVI: Echo Saves the Day! Jeremy Adams
13:15-13:30 Mitral Regurgitation: What Features by TTE and TEE predict a successful intervention? Geraldine Ong 
13:30-13:45 Tricuspid Regurgitation: Should I Replace, Repair or Resist? Neil Fam
13:45-14:00 Discussion
14:15-15:15 Topic: Conundrums of the Right-Heart - Clearing the Fog Moderators: Michael Tsang, Marie-Josée Blais 
14:15-14:30 Why Does My Patient Have TR? Ascertaining the Anatomy and Pathology of the TV by 2D and 3D Imaging Doug Wright
14:30-14:45 Quantification of TR: When and How? Jean Buithieu 
14:45-15:00 It Takes a Village - the value of the echo-interventionalist team to manage TR Rob Moss 
15:00-15:15 Discussion
15:30 -16:30 Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Mystique and the Hype Moderators: Francois Tournoux, Jaclyn Lam
15:30 -15:45 Basic principles of AI and applications in Echo for improvement of workflow, consistency, and quality Wendy Tsang
15:45 -16:00 AI application in assessment of LV systolic and diastolic function Darwin Yeung
16:00 -16:15 AI in echo imaging for disease detection and outcome prediction: where are we in 2023? Teresa Tsang
16:15-16:30 Discussion
16:30-17:30 President's Reception- CSE 25th Anniversary Silver Celebration! Announce abstract-poster winners//Visit Exhibits
17:30-18:30 CSE Gameshow Host: Chi-Ming Chow/Francois Tournoux/Christine Henri
1:00 PM
6:30 PM
Valvular Heart Disease and Trans-Catheter Interventions: Is my Patient a Candidate?
Valvular Heart Disease and Trans-Catheter Interventions: Is my Patient a Candidate?
13:00-14:00 Topic: VHD and Trans-Catheter Interventions: Is my Patient a Candidate? Moderators: Hahn, Shaheeda Ahmed
13:00-13:15 Imaging in TAVI: Echo Saves the Day! Jeremy Adams
13:15-13:30 Mitral Regurgitation: What Features by TTE and TEE predict a successful intervention? Geraldine Ong (accepted by personal communication-I. Sebag)
13:30-13:45 Tricuspid Regurgitation: Should I Replace, Repair or Resist? Neil Fam
13:45-14:00 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Geraldine Ong
Jeremy Adams
Neil Fam
Shaheeda Ahmed
Thi Kim Hanh Nguyen
2:00 PM
2:15 PM
Conundrums of the Right-Heart - Clearing the Fog
Conundrums of the Right-Heart - Clearing the Fog
14:15-15:15 Conundrums of the Right-Heart - Clearing the Fog Moderators: Michael Tsang, Marie-Josée Blais
14:15-14:30 Why Does My Patient Have TR? Ascertaining the Anatomy and Pathology of the TV by 2D and 3D Imaging Douglas Wright
14:30-14:45 Quantification of TR: When and How? Jean Buithieu 
14:45-15:00 It Takes a Village - the value of the echo-interventionalist team to manage TR Rob Moss 
15:00-15:15 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
2:15 PM
3:15 PM
Douglas Wright
Jean Buithieu
Marie-Josée Blais
Michael Tsang
Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Mystique and the Hype
Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Mystique and the Hype
15:30 -16:30 Artificial Intelligence: Beyond the Mystique and the Hype Moderators: Francois Tournoux, Jaclyn Lam
15:30 -15:45 Basic principles of AI and applications in Echo for improvement of workflow, consistency, and quality Wendy Tsang
15:45 -16:00 AI application in assessment of LV systolic and diastolic function Darwin Yeung
16:00 -16:15 AI in echo imaging for disease detection and outcome prediction: where are we in 2023? Teresa Tsang
16:15-16:30 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
Darwin Yeung
Francois Tournoux
Jaclyn Lam
Teresa Tsang
Wendy Tsang
CSE Game Show
CSE Game Show
Grand Ballroom
4:30 PM
6:30 PM
Christine Henri
Francois Tournoux
President's Reception- CSE 25th Anniversary Silver Celebration! Announce abstract-poster winners//Visit Exhibits
President's Reception- CSE 25th Anniversary Silver Celebration! Announce abstract-poster winners//Visit Exhibits
17:30-18:30 CSE Gameshow
Grand Ballroom
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
Igal Sebag
Sharon Mulvagh
Breakfast and Registration
Breakfast and Registration
7:00 AM
7:50 AM
Morning Session Day 3
Morning Session Day 3
Saturday Theme
7:50-8:00 Welcome and Introductory Comments Sharon Mulvagh and Igal Sebag
8:00-9:00 Topic: Diastology Basic to Advanced Moderators: David Bewick, Ken Szeto
8:00-08:15 Understanding the ASE/EACVI Diastolic Function Guidelines through Case Studies Lawrence Lau 
8:15-08:30 Does my patient have Diastolic Dysfunction? When the numbers are discrepant Usha Manian
8:30-08:45 Diastology State of the Art 2023: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? Allan Klein
8:45-9:00 Discussion
9:15-10:15 Topic: Stress Echo: GWTG and Do It Right! Moderators:Kareem Morant, Diane Tran
9:15-9:30 Dyspnea and Normal EF: can a diastolic stress echo help? Annabel Chen-Tournoux
9:30-9:45 Technical Tips and Tricks when Performing a Supine Bike Study Amelie Paquin 
9:45-10:00 Strain Imaging in Stress Echo Christine Henri
10:00-10:15 Discussion
10:30-11:30 Topic: Multimodality Imaging of Ischemic Syndromes Moderators: Davinder Jassal, Carly Burry
10:30-10:45 Mechanical Complications post-MI Omid Kiamanesh
10:45-11:00 MINOCA Michael Chetrit
11:00-11:15 MI Mimickers: Takotsubo, Myocarditis Ian Paterson (accepted)
11:15-11:30 Discussion
11:30-12:15 ASE Lecture Moderators: Sharon Mulvagh and Igal Sebag
Echocardiography: at the crossroads of imaging and intervention Stephen LIttle
7:30 AM
12:15 PM
Welcome and Introductory Comments
Welcome and Introductory Comments
Grand Ballroom
7:50 AM
8:00 AM
Igal Sebag
Sharon Mulvagh
Diastology Basic to Advanced
Diastology Basic to Advanced
8:00-9:00 Topic: Diastology Basic to Advanced Moderators: David Bewick, Ken Szeto
8:00-08:15 Understanding the ASE/EACVI Diastolic Function Guidelines through Case Studies Lawrence Lau 
8:15-08:30 Does my patient have Diastolic Dysfunction? When the numbers are discrepant Usha Manian
8:30-08:45 Diastology State of the Art 2023: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? Allan Klein
8:45-9:00 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
Allan Klein
David Bewick
Ken Szeto
Lawrence Lau
Usha Manian
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
WORKSHOPS Round 1: Contrast with GE
WORKSHOPS Round 1: Contrast with GE
Trinity Ballroom
9:00 AM
10:15 AM
Howard Leong-Poi
Marie-Josée Blais
Stress Echo: GWTG and Do It Right!
Stress Echo: GWTG and Do It Right!
9:15-10:15 Topic: Stress Echo: GWTG and Do It Right! Moderators: Kareem Morant, Diane Tran
9:15-9:30 Dyspnea and Normal EF: can a diastolic stress echo help? Annabel Chen-Tournoux
9:30-9:45 Technical Tips and Tricks when Performing a Supine Bike Study Amelie Paquin 
9:45-10:00 Strain Imaging in Stress Echo Christine Henri
10:00-10:15 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
9:15 AM
10:15 AM
Amelie Paquin
Annabel Chen-Tournoux
Christine Henri
Diane Tran
Kareem Morant
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
WORKSHOPS Round 2: Contrast Phillips
WORKSHOPS Round 2: Contrast Phillips
Trinity Ballroom
10:15 AM
11:30 AM
Howard Leong-Poi
Marie-Josée Blais
Multimodality Imaging of Ischemic Syndromes
Multimodality Imaging of Ischemic Syndromes
10:30-11:30 Topic: Multimodality Imaging of Ischemic Syndromes Moderators: Davinder Jassal, Carly Burry
10:30-10:45 Mechanical Complications post-MI Omid Kiamanesh
10:45-11:00 MINOCA Michael Chetrit
11:00-11:15 MI Mimickers: Takotsubo, Myocarditis Ian Paterson 
11:15-11:30 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
Carly Burry
Davinder Jassal
Ian Paterson
Michael Chetrit
Omid Kiamanesh
ASE Lecture
ASE Lecture
Echocardiography: at the crossroads of imaging and intervention

11:30-12:15 ASE Lecture Moderators: Sharon Mulvagh and Igal Sebag
Echocardiography: at the crossroads of imaging and intervention Stephen LIttle
Grand Ballroom
11:30 AM
12:15 PM
Igal Sebag
Sharon Mulvagh
Stephen Little
12:15 PM
1:00 PM
Afternoon Session Day 3
Afternoon Session Day 3
13:00-14:00 Sonographer Forum: Ergonomic Economy, Sonography Training Issues, and More (Breakout room) Moderators: Carly and Ken
CSE SonoCase Carly Burry
SonoTips'nTricks  Marie-Josee Blais
Overcoming Stress 'n Strain   Marcello Na
14:15-15:30 Special Silver Anniversary Session: "Echo in Canada" Moderators: Sharon and Igal
14:15-14:25 Recognition of Dr. Dumesnil - Philippe Pibarot Philippe Pibarot
14:25-14:35 CSE Awards -presentations Sharon and Igal
14:35-14:45 Recognition of CSE 25 year Silver Anniversary- A look back over the years Chi -Ming Chow
14:45- 15:15 The Dr. Jim Swan Lecture: A look Forward - Where we are, and where we need to go Intro: Dr. John Parker; Talk: Kwan Chan
15:15 -15:30 Discussion
15:30-16:30 Cases across Canada
Moderators: Shaheeda Ahmed, Christine Henri;
Speakers: Philippe Pibarot, Doug Hayami,
Michael Tsang, S. Promislow
16:30-16:40 Concluding Remarks Sharon and Igal
1:00 PM
4:40 PM
Focused Topic: Critical Care Echo
Focused Topic: Critical Care Echo
13:00- 14:00 Focused Topic: Critical Care Echo Moderators: Sabe De, Jordan Hutson
13:00-13:15 The Relevant Study for the Patient in Shock Jeremy Adams
13:15-13:30 Use of CCE to differentiate causes of Acute Respiratory Failure Alberto Goffi
13:30-13:45 How does ultrasound in the ICU change Therapy in the Septic Patient? Ghislaine Doufle
13:45-14:00 Discussion
York A/B
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Alberto Goffi
Ghislaine Doufle
Jeremy Adams
Jordan Hutson
Sabe De
Focused Topic: The Nuts & Bolts of Echo Lab Accreditation
Focused Topic: The Nuts & Bolts of Echo Lab Accreditation
13:00-14:00 Focused Topic: The Nuts & Bolts of Echo Lab Accreditation Moderators: Tony Sanfilippo, Shireen Persaud
Accreditation of Echo Labs: How it works?  Shireen Persaud
Lessons learned from the accreditation process Tony Sanfilippo
The challenge of Wall Motion Assessment and Practical Tips to Improve accuracy Parvathy Nair 
Trinity Ballroom
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Anthony Sanfilippo
Parvathy Nair
Shireen Persaud
Sonographer Forum: Ergonomics, Workflow, and How to make this Image better?
Sonographer Forum: Ergonomics, Workflow, and How to make this Image better?
13:00-14:00 Sonographer Forum: Ergonomic Economy, Sonography Training Issues, and More (Breakout room) Moderators: Carly and Ken
CSE SonoCase Carly Burry
SonoTips'nTricks  Marie-Josee Blais
Overcoming Stress 'n Strain   Marcello Na
Grand Ballroom
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Carly Burry
Ken Szeto
Marcello Na
Marie-Josée Blais
Trainee How-To: Seeking Opportunities Beyond our Borders
Trainee How-To: Seeking Opportunities Beyond our Borders
informational Panel Discussion
13:00-14:00 Trainee How-To: Seeking Opportunities Beyond our Borders (smaller room) Moderators: Hanh, Steve Little  Allan Klein, Michael Tsang, Wendy Tsang
informational Panel Discussion
Trinity Ballroom Salon 1
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Allan Klein
Michael Tsang
Stephen Little
Thi Kim Hanh Nguyen
Wendy Tsang
2:00 PM
2:15 PM
Special Silver Anniversary Session: "Echo in Canada"
Special Silver Anniversary Session: "Echo in Canada"
14:15-15:30 Special Silver Anniversary Session: "Echo in Canada" Moderators: Sharon and Igal
14:15-14:25 Recognition of Dr. Dumesnil - Philippe Pibarot Philippe Pibarot
14:25-14:35 CSE Awards -presentations Sharon and Igal
14:35-14:45 Recognition of CSE 25 year Silver Anniversary- A look back over the years
Corrine Slodgett 
14:45- 15:15 The Dr. Jim Swan Lecture: A look Forward - Where we are, and where we need to go Intro: Dr. John Parker; Talk: Kwan Chan
15:15 -15:30 Discussion
Grand Ballroom
2:15 PM
3:30 PM
Igal Sebag
John Parker
Kwan Chan
Philippe Pibarot
Sharon Mulvagh
Cases across Canada
Cases across Canada
Grand Ballroom
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
Christine Henri
Michael Tsang
Philippe Pibarot
Shaheeda Ahmed
Stephen Little
Steve Promislow
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
Grand Ballroom
4:30 PM
4:40 PM
Igal Sebag
Sharon Mulvagh

Alberto Goffi

Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto Intensivist, Department of Critical Care, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto

Alberto Goffi, MD, is a Staff Physician at St. Michael’s Hospital – Unity Health Toronto and Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Department of Medicine and Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine (IDCCM). After graduating from the University of Torino (Italy) and completing his internal medicine training in the same city, he moved to Toronto in 2010 for a fellowship in adult critical care medicine. His clinical and academic interests include neurocritical care and point-of-care ultrasound in acute care medicine, with a focus on lung ultrasound and optimal teaching strategies for its competency achievement. He is the co-lead of the IDCCM Critical Care Ultrasound Curriculum and the co-lead of the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration (TAAAC) Adult Critical Care Medicine fellowship.

Alberto loves travelling for teaching; he has already taught ultrasound and neurocritical care in five different continents. In 2015, he won the Young Lecturer Award at the ESICM annual meeting. In 2019, he has been selected as the recipient of the Frank S. Rutledge Award of Excellence in Critical Care Teaching. Outside of work, Alberto has a passion for creating logos and drawings digitally; the IDCCM logo is one of his creations. In the past 4 years, he has learned that nothing is more fulfilling (and tiring!) in life than playing with Sofia and Oliver, his two children.

Allan Klein

MD, FRCP(C), FACC, FAHA, FASE, FESC @ Cleveland Clinic Heart & Vascular Institute Department of Cardiovascular Medicine

Allan Klein, MD is the Director of the Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pericardial Diseases and a staff cardiologist in the Section of Cardiovascular Imaging, the Robert and Suzanne Tomsich Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, at the Sydell and Arnold Miller Family Heart Vascular and Thoracic Institute. He the medical director of the HVTI Unique Populations Center/Imbrella.  He served as Director of CV Imaging Research for 24 years.  Dr. Klein is board-certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular medicine.  He is a past president of the American Society of Echocardiography and secretary/treasurer of the National Board of Echocardiography.  He is also the Course Director for Valve Diseases, Structural Interventions, and Diastology/Imaging Summit—currently his 25 th course.  A Canadian by birth, Dr. Klein speaks French and English.  

Specialty Interests:  Cardiovascular imaging (echocardiography, cardiac MR and computed tomography); pericardial diseases; amyloid; valvular heart disease; atrial fibrillation; and Diastology

Number of Procedures Performed:  Dr. Klein reads well over 2000 echocardiograms per year and performs TEE and intraoperative echocardiogram for the interventional structural program.  The pericardial center evaluates over 3000 patients per year of which Dr. Klein sees the majority of patients.  He is also heads the pericardiocentesis simulation program which trains the cardiology fellows and performs pericardiocentesis. 

Education and Training:  Dr. Klein received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec after completing an undergraduate degree in microbiology and immunology, graduating with honors.  While in medical school, he received several scholarships and graduated in the top 10 percent of his class.  Dr. Klein completed his clinical training at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto and the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal.  He completed a Cardiology Residency from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and a Research Fellowship from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.  He was appointed to Cleveland Clinic in 1989.

Research, Publications and Speaking:  In addition to his scholarships and academic achievements, Dr. Klein won the E.G.D. Murray Prize in Microbiology and Immunology as an undergraduate and has received multiple American Society of Echocardiography Outcomes Research Awards.

Dr. Klein has been course director and workshop leader at numerous medical specialty conferences focused on clinical trials, imaging modalities and clinical protocols, to name a few.  He currently serves as Professor of Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western University.  Dr. Klein was a member of the Lerner College of Medicine Admissions Committee. He is on the executive board for the Heart, Vascular and Thoracic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.

He has been the principal investigator for multicenter clinical trials in atrial fibrillation (ACUTE I, ACUTE II, and CLOTS); studies in diastolic function (ADEPT); valvular heart disease (Anorexigens and Valve Disease); and catheter ablation and pulmonary vein flow (ROTEA).  He has published key articles in such prestigious journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, European Heart Journal, Circulation, and the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.  He chaired the Writing Committee for the document entitled “American Society of Echocardiography clinical recommendations for multimodality cardiovascular imaging of patients with pericardial disease:  Endorsed by the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography.” He recently published the RHAPSODY trial with Rilonacept in patients with recurrent pericarditis in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2021.

Dr. Klein was honored to serve as President of the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) from June 2016 to June 2017 and now he is a Past-President.  He has served on the Board of Directors of the ASE and has been the Chair of the Industry Relations Committee and Chair of the Guidelines and Standards Committee and ASE Nominations Committee. He will be honored in 2023 as ASE mentor of the year.  Dr. Klein is also on the Board as well as Writing Committee for the National Board of Echocardiography and   now is Secretary Treasurer. He served on the Board of Advisors of Cardiovascular Credentialing International.  He serves as a peer reviewer for more than 15 professional journals and grades abstracts for the American College of Cardiology, the ASE, the American Heart Association, and the European Society of Cardiology.  He is often a Guest Editor for JACC, JACC imaging and Circulation imaging journals.

He has been an invited lecturer at many national and international symposia and conferences, speaking on topics related to his specialty interests.  Dr. Klein has authored or co-authored more than 400 peer-reviewed articles in professional journals, co-authored 50 chapters in medical textbooks and published 600 abstracts.  He is a co-editor of 2 books entitled "Diastology: Clinical Approach to Diastolic Heart Failure." as well as "Clinical Echocardiography Review: A Self-Assessment Tool."  Dr. Klein completed a 2nd edition of the "Clinical Echocardiography Review:  A Self-Assessment Tool."  He has been the director and co-director of the Valve Disease, Structural Interventions and Diastology/ Imaging Summit courses for the last 25 years. He is also section editor on pericardial diseases for ACC.org and Current Cardiology reports. 

Leisure Time Activities:

Dr. Klein is an avid sportsman and enjoys playing ice hockey, cycling, spinning, hiking, golfing and playing many sports.  He enjoys reading and traveling around the world. 

Professional Highlights:

  • Writing Chair, American Society of Echocardiography Clinical recommendations for Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging of Patients with Pericardial Disease - 2013

  • Sole Speaker for the ASE Webinar “ASE Clinical Recommendations for Multimodality -2013

  • Notification “In the Spotlight” column of the Cleveland Clinic Professional Staff Update - 2014

  • Invited Visiting Professor at Mount Sinai Hospital for Anandi L. Sharma Visiting Professorship and Simon Dack, MD Memorial Lecture, Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction with live presentation at www.heart-talks.org - 2015

  • Section Editor for Pericardial Disease for ACC.org. – 2016-22

  • Key Note Speaker:  “Constrictive Pericarditis in the 21st Century” at the Portuguese Congress of Cardiology - 2016

  • Elected President of the American Society of Echocardiography - 2017

  • Key note speaker as president of ASE in Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Scotland, India and Australia - 2018

  • Guest Co-Editor for Progress in Cardiovascular Disease 2017; 59(4):325-26.

  • Co-Editor of “Clinical Echocardiography Review:  A Self-Assessment Tool.” 2nd edition.  Wolters Kluwer – 2017

  • Presented with the ESC Life Achievement Award from the Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases in Belgrade, Serbia


  • RHAPSODY trial published in NEJM in 2021

  • Chair- Study on Impact of CardiolRxTM on Recurrent Pericarditis

  • North American Coordinating and Lead Principal Investigator for RESONANCE Registry


  • American Society of Echocardiography 

  • American Heart Association 

  • American College of Cardiology 

  • Royal College of Physicians of Canada

  • Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography 

  • European Society of Cardiology

Awards and Honors: 

  • Fellowships: American College of Cardiology, Royal College of Physicians (Canada), American Society of Echocardiography, American Heart Association, European Society of Cardiology

  • University Scholarship - 1976-1977

  • E.G.D. Murray Prize in Microbiology and Immunology University Scholar - 1977

  • J. W. McConnell Award University Scholarship (Phase 1A Medical School) - 1978-1979

  • J. W. McConnell Award University Scholarship (Phase 1B Medical School) - 1979-1980

  • University Scholarship - 1981

  • Canadian Heart Foundation Research Fellowship - 1986-1988

  • Finalist Canadian Cardiovascular Society Student's Presentation Award - 1988

  • First Place ASE Outcomes Research Award - 1997-1998

  • Abstract entitled “Assessment of Cardioversion Using TEE Multicenter Study (ACUTE I): Clinical Outcomes at 8 Weeks” was included in the ACC 2000 Meeting Highlights Session as Late Breaking Trial - 2000

  • Mentor for the recipients of the Samuel J. Roessler Memorial Scholarship - 1999-2001

  • Mentor for the recipients of the Am. Society of Echocardiography Fellowship Award - 2000-2001

  • Publication of “Use of transesophageal echocardiography to guide cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation” in the New England Journal of Medicine - 2001

  • Abstract entitled “Six-month follow up on patients undergoing a TEE-guided cardioversion from Afib:  the assessment of cardioversion using TEE (ACUTE) trial” was included in the AHA Scientific Sessions 2001 Highlight and ACCEL Online - 2001

  • Publication of “Use of transesophageal echocardiography to guide cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation” in the New England Journal of Medicine was sited in Journal Watch Cardiology - 2002

  • Mentor for the nominee of the American Society of Echocardiography Research Finalist Award - 2003

  • Publication of “Pericarditis” in The Lancet - 2004

  • Key Note Speaker:  “New Advances in Echocardiography in Atrial Fibrillation" at the X World Congress of Echo & Cardiovascular Imaging Conference - 2006

  • Publication of “The use of enoxaparin compared with unfractionated heparin for short-term antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation patients undergoing transesophageal echocardiography-guided cardioversion:  Assessment of Cardioversion Using Transesophageal Echocardiography (ACUTE) II randomized multicentre study” in the European Heart Journal -2006

  • Study findings of the ACUTE II were highlighted in the Cleveland Clinic Alumni Newsletter - 2007

  • Study findings of the ACUTE II were highlighted in the Cleveland Clinic Annual Report - 2007

  • Grand Rounds presentation at Massachusetts General Hospital on "New Advances in Echocardiography in Afib:  What's New in the LAA and Pulmonary Veins?" - 2007

  • Co-Editor of “Diastology:  Clinical Approach to Diastolic Heart Failure.”  Saunders, Elsevier, Philadelphia - 2008

  • Mention of the 11th Diastology and New Echo Technologies Summit Featuring Contrast Echo Mini Symposium was cited in the March 2008 Cleveland Clinic OPSA Memo to Staff” 2008

  • Mentor for the winner of the Laennec Young Clinician Award at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions - 2008

  • New England Journal of Medicine book review for "Diastology: Clinical Approach to Diastolic Heart Failure" in the May 7, 2009, issue - 2009

  • Co-Editor of “Clinical Echocardiography Review:  A Self-Assessment Tool.” Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia - 2011

  • CVN (Cardiosource Video Network) Interview Regarding the JACC Imaging Editorial Comment "Annular Velocities in Constrictive Pericarditis - Is it Time to Look Beyond the Annulus" -2011

  • Author Video for JASE regarding “Role of Transesophageal Echocardiography Compared to Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Pulmonary Vein Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation (ROTEA Study)” - 2011

  • Cleveland Clinic “Today’s Headlines” included a story entitled “Heart Failure Takes Bigger Toll on Men” that was Published on UPI.com (coauthor of abstract) - 2012

  • Key Note Speaker: “Is Cardiac Imaging the New Stethoscope?” at the Canadian Cardiovascular Society - 2012

  • Guideline Chair, American Society of Echocardiography Clinical Recommendations for Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging of Patients with Pericardial Disease - 2013

  • Sole Speaker for the ASE Webinar “ASE Clinical Recommendations for Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging of Patients with Pericardial Disease: A Guideline in Review” - 2013

  • Notification “In the Spotlight” column of the Cleveland Clinic Professional Staff Update announced the recent appointment of Vice President of the ASE.  After a one-year term, president-elect and then president - 2014

  • Invited Visiting Professor at Mount Sinai Hospital for Anandi L. Sharma Visiting Professorship and Simon Dack, MD Memorial Lecture, Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction with live presentation at www.heart-talks.org - 2015

  • 13th Annual Tajik/Seward Lectureship, Cleveland Clinic HVI National Leadership and Diseases Center and IPU Development - 2015

  • Section Editor for Pericardial Disease for ACC.org - 2016

  • Key Note Speaker:  “Constrictive Pericarditis in the 21st Century” at the Portuguese Congress of Cardiology - 2016

  • President of the American Society of Echocardiography – 2016-2017

  • Notification in the Cleveland Clinic “Weekly Scoop:  News from the Chief of Staff” 5 Questions section on providing a one-stop-shop for patients with pericardial disease - 2017

  • Physician’s Weekly article, “Key Concepts in Managing Complicated Pericarditis” - 2017

  • Guest Co-Editor for Progress in Cardiovascular Disease 2017;59(4):325-26 

  • Co-Editor of “Clinical Echocardiography Review:  A Self-Assessment Tool.” 2nd Edition. Wolters Kluwer - 2017

  • Presented with the ESC Life Achievement Award from the Working Group on   Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases in Belgrade, Serbia -2018

  • Presented the 29th Edler lecture, “Dermatology of the Heart: Tales from the Pericardial Sac,” at the American Society of Echocardiography Scientific  Sessions-2018

  • National PI for the IRB protocol entitled “RHAPSODY:  PHASE 3, DOUBLE-BLIND, 2018




  • Listed as “HVI Physicians Ranked in the Top 100,000 Scientists (Top 1%) in the World.”  This  was noted in the September Cleveland Clinic Professional Staff Update- 2019

  • ASE 2023 mentorship award

Innovations and Patents:

Dr. Klein has pioneered the use of transesophageal-guided cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation in his landmark paper in the New England Journal of Medicine published in 2001 and the European Heart Journal in 2006.  He directs one of the largest pericardial center in the world which evaluates complex patients with different pericardial diseases. He led the RHAPSODY Trial for recurrent pericarditis  and published in New England Journal of Medicine in 2021

Additional Training:  Leading in Health Care Business Program at the CCF, Leadership Training with the ASE (Tecker International), Cleveland Clinic HVTI Personal Healthcare Leadership Development Series

Amelie Paquin

Cardiologist and Fellow in Echocardiography, Women's Cardiovascular Health and Clinical Research @ University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Dr. Amélie Paquin is a fellow in Advanced Echocardiography and Women’s Cardiovascular Health at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. She completed her cardiology training and a master’s degree in clinical Epidemiology at Laval University. She is also currently undergoing doctoral studies in collaboration with Laval University, studying the sex-specific impact of cardiometabolic risk factors on myocardial remodeling. She is supported by scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec en santé, Association des cardiologues du Québec, and Laval University McLaughlin Dean’s Scholarship.


Amer Johri

Anna Woo

Medical Director, Echocardiography Laboratory, Toronto General and Toronto Western Hospitals

Dr. Anna Woo received her MD degree at McGill University and she trained in Cardiology and Echocardiography at the University of Toronto.  She completed her Master of Science degree in Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Dr. Woo is a staff cardiologist based at the Toronto General Hospital (TGH), where she attends in the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Clinic.  In addition, she is the Director of the Echocardiography Laboratory at the University Health Network (Toronto General and Toronto Western Hospitals). 

Dr. Woo’s research and academic interests have mainly focused on HCM and on advanced echo techniques.  She has contributed to a number of national and international guidelines, including the 2011 and 2022 versions of the American Society of Echocardiography Guidelines for multimodality imaging in HCM.  Dr. Woo is on the Board of Directors of the HCM Society (HCMS).


Annabel Chen-Tournoux

Anthony Sanfilippo

Professor Department of Medicine Division of Cardiology @ Queen’s University Kingston Health Sciences Centre

Aws Almufleh

Dr. Aws Almufleh is a cardiologist specializing in echocardiography and advanced heart failure. He is the Physician Lead of the Heart Function Clinic and holds academic appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor of Medicine at Queen’s University. He received his medical degree with First Class Honors from King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2012. He then completed a Master of Public Health (MPH) at the University of Miami focusing on epidemiology and clinical research. He did internal medicine residency at McGill University where he served as the Chief Medical Resident. Following cardiology fellowship training at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (2016-2019), Dr. Almufleh completed an advanced heart failure and cardiac transplantation fellowship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School (2019-2020) and earned the Pierce Fellow Award for Scholarship in Cardiomyopathy in recognition of his clinical and research achievements. Dr. Almufleh also completed an advanced echocardiography fellowship at Vancouver General Hospital/University of British Columbia (2020-2021). Concurrently, he pursued research training through the Global Clinical Scholars Research Training (GCSRT) program at Harvard Medical School with emphasis on advanced quantitative research methodology and study design.

Dr. Almufleh has a keen interest in medical education and echocardiography. He is the Echocardiography rotation director for cardiology fellows and non-cardiology learners at Queen’s University. He moderates a weekly echocardiography teaching round where faculty goes over interesting echocardiograms with cardiology fellows and sonographers. He is a faculty member of the Queen’s Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) fellowship training program. Furthermore, he is serving a two-year term as a member-at-large in the Canadian Society of Echocardiography Board of Directors. As for research pursuit, Dr. Almufleh, under the mentorship of Dr. Parvathy Nair from the University of British Columbia, is the lead author of a medical education project aimed at optimizing echocardiography competency training during cardiology fellowship which earned the Canadian Cardiovascular Ultrasound Research Excellence Award for Technology & Education – $50,000 CREATE Grant. He is also a co-investigator in the echocardiography online quality assessment and direct feedback modules project led by Drs. Robin Ducas and Che-Ming Chow. Dr. Almufleh has published over 25 peer-reviewed articles and was a co-investigator of the large-scale randomized controlled trial comparing Milrinone with Dobutamine in the Treatment of Cardiogenic Shock; published in the New England Journal of Medicine in August 2021. 


Beata Bruchal-Garbicz

Cardiac Sonographer Educator @ Peter Munk Cardiac Centre Echo Lab

Beata completed her post-graduate echo course in Toronto and started working at the Toronto General Hospital Echo Lab as a cardiac sonographer, where she currently carries out the role of sonographer educator. Her main goal is to support her sonographer peers in the pursuit of professional excellence while performing studies in different types of cardiac problems, including adult congenital heart diseases.

Carly Burry


Carly Burry is a cardiac sonographer at the Colchester East Hants Health Authority in Truro, Nova Scotia. After completing her Bachelor of Kinesiology, she completed her Cardiac Sonography program at Mohawk College and began her career as a Sonographer.

Cheryl Saw

Chi-Ming Chow


MDCM MSc FRCPC FCCS FASE DBIM CPC(HC) Professor in Medicine, University of Toronto  Director, Echocardiography Lab Staff Cardiologist, St. Michael's Hospital

Dr. Chi-Ming Chow is an attending staff cardiologist at St. Michael’s Hospital. He is a full professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Toronto. He has an undergraduate degree in computer science from Brown University, USA. He completed his Doctor of Medicine (1990) at McGill University (Montréal, Québec) and a Masters of Science in Epidemiology at McGill University (1997). He completed his training in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and Cardiology at McGill University. He then pursued his clinical and research echocardiography fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University before joining the Division of Cardiology at St. Michael’s Hospital in 2001.

Clinically he specializes in non-invasive cardiac imaging, in particular echocardiography and stress echocardiography. He is the Director of the Echocardiography Laboratory at St. Michael’s Hospital. Currently, he a past president of the Canadian Society of Echo (CSE) and the president of the Chinese Canadian Medical Society (CCMS). 

Christine Henri

Cardiologist and echocardiographer, Montreal Heart Institute Assistant professor of Medicine, Université de Montreal

Darwin Yeung

MD, FRCPC Clinical Assistant Professor Division of Cardiology University of British Columbia

David Bewick

Davinder Jassal


Immediate Past-President, Canadian Society of Echocardiography: Professor of Medicine, Radiology, Physiology and Pathophysiology, Section Head of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Manitoba

Diane Tran

Diane Tran is a Cardiac Sonographer with over 7 years of experience and currently works at Vancouver General Hospital. She has a degree in Kinesiology from York University and an advanced graduate certificate in Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography from Mohawk College.

Doug Hayami

Douglas Wright

MD FRCPC FACC FASE Associate Professor @ McMaster University

Erwin Oechslin

MD, Professor of Medicine, U of T

Francois Tournoux

Geraldine Ong

Ghislaine Doufle

Gillian Nesbitt

Heather Cooley

Howard Leong-Poi

Ian Burwash

Director of Echocardiography Professor of Medicine @ University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Ian Paterson

University of Ottawa Heart Institute


Undergraduate medicine, McGill University, 1998-2001

Internal Medicine, McGill University, 1995-1998

Cardiology, McGill University, 1998-2001

Echocardiography Fellowship, McGill University, 2001-2002

Cardiovascular MRI Fellowship, National Institutes of Health, 2002-2004

Current Positions:

Staff Cardiologist, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, 2022-present

Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa

Co-Director, Cardiac MRI, University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Director, Rare Cardiac Conditions Centre, University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Board member, Canadian Cardiac Oncology Network

Past Positions/Appointments:

Professor and Cardiologist, University of Alberta, 2004-2022

Past Director, Residency Training Adult Cardiology, University of Alberta, 2009-2017

Associate Director and Competence Committee Chair, Residency Training Adult Cardiology, University of Alberta, 2021-2022

Clinical Director, Edmonton Cardio-Oncology program

Past President, Canadian Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Clinical and Academic Interests:

Prevention and treatment of chemotherapy related cardiotoxicity

Advanced cardiac imaging (MRI and echo)

Heart Failure/Amyloidosis/Sarcoidosis

Post-COVID syndrome

Medical Education 

Recreational Activities:

Ice Hockey

Cross-country skiing



Igal Sebag


Vice-President, Canadian Society of Echocardiography: Professor of Medicine, McGill University; Director of Echocardiography and Non-Invasive Cardiology, Jewish General Hospital,


Jaclyn Lam

Jasmine Grewal

Jean Buithieu


Assistant Professor of Medicine, McGill University / Professeur adjoint de médecine, Université McGill
Director, Echocardiography & Non-invasive Cardiology / Directeur, échocardiographie et cardiologie non-effractive
McGill University Health Center (MUHC) / Centre universitaire de santé McGill (CUSM)
Royal Victoria Hospital / Hôpital Royal Victoria


Jeremy Adams


John Parker

Jordan Hutson

Kareem Morant

Dr. Kareem Morant is an Echocardiographer and Assistant Professor at North York General Hospital (NYGH) in Toronto, ON. After completing Cardiology training at University of Toronto, he completed his Advanced Echocardiography Fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. 

Currently, he is the Director of the Heart Function Clinic at NYGH and is a member of the Transcatheter Heart Valve Team at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.
Dr. Morant’s areas of interest include Imaging, Valvular Heart Disease, Heart Failure and A-TTR Cardiomyopathy, where he has a particular interest in how it effects the Canadian Black population. Furthermore, he enjoys teaching and mentoring trainees of all levels, and is passionate about advocating for improving diversity and inclusivity in medicine.


Ken Szeto


Ken Szeto is a cardiac sonographer at Kelowna General Hospital in British Columbia. After completing his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, he completed the Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography program at Mohawk College.

Kwan Chan

MD FRCPC, Professor of Medicine, University of Ottawa Heart institute

Lawrence Lau

Lawrence Lau, MD, is a cardiologist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and an assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. 
Dr. Lau graduated from the University of Manitoba, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree with distinction in 2011. He earned his medical degree in 2015 followed by a residency in internal medicine in 2018, also at the University of Manitoba. He then completed a residency in cardiology at the UOHI in 2021, followed by a fellowship in echocardiography at the UOHI in 2022.
Dr. Lau’s research interests include infective endocarditis, echocardiography, and valve disease.


Lawrence Rudski

Maala Sooriyakanthan

Marcello Na

Team Lead Sonographer @ North York General Hospital

Marie-Josée Blais

Marie-Josée Blais is Chief Cardiac Sonographer at the Jewish General Hospital, a McGill University affiliated hospital. She graduated as a medical imaging technologist in 1991 and obtained her ARDMS certification in adult and pediatric echocardiography in 1995. She is currently an inspector of the Order of Technologists of Quebec (OTIMRO). She served on the CSE Board of Directors and has lectured at numerous national and international meetings, including the ASE and CSE annual meetings.

Her interests include standardization in echocardiography, quality improvement and contrast imaging



Michael Chetrit

FRCPC, FACC Assistant Professor of Medicine, McGill University, Cardiologist, McGill University Health Centre Director, McGill Amyloidosis Project Clinical Director, Courtois Cardiac MRI Program Vice President, Canadian Society of Cardiac MRI

Michael Chetrit received his medical doctorate from the University of Montreal in Montreal, Canada. He completed his training as an internist and cardiologist at the McGill University Health Centre, McGill University in Montreal as well. He completed additional training at the Cleveland Clinic, in Cleveland Ohio where he gained expertise in advanced cardiac imaging and cardiac amyloidosis. He is currently Assistant Professor with the Department of Medicine at McGill University and a staff cardiologist at the Montreal General Hospital. In addition to directing the McGill Amyloidosis Project, he remains an active researcher with interest in multimodality imaging, cardiac amyloidosis and pericardial diseases. He authored or co-authored 35 peer-reviewed publications and has presented at multiple imaging societies.

Michael Tsang

MD, FRCPC, FASE, Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology, The University of British Columbia.

Dr. Michael Tsang is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Division of Cardiology at the University of British Columbia. He completed his MD and residency training at the University of British Columbia, and advanced echocardiography and research training at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. His clinical expertise and research interests include the use of echocardiography for assessing valvular heart disease and the application of artificial intelligence for the analysis of echocardiographic data.

Neil Fam

Nowell Fine


Dr. Fine is a heart failure cardiologist and echocardiologist in Calgary (Alberta Canada). He is an Associate Clinical Professor of Cardiac Sciences, Medicine and Community Health Sciences at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. He is the Clinical Director of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute. He is director of Clinical and Research/Core Echocardiography Laboratories, and co-lead of Heart Failure research program. Dr. Fine has a clinical and research interest in heart failure and infiltrative cardiomyopathies, particularly cardiac amyloidosis and Anderson-Fabry disease, and is Co-Director of the Amyloidosis Program of Calgary and Cardiac Amyloidosis Clinic. He is the co-principal investigator for the Canadian Registry for Amyloidosis Research. 


Omid Kiamanesh

Parvathy Nair

Philippe Pibarot


Directeur de la recherche en cardiologie | Head of Cardiology Research

Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec – Université Laval

Professeur titulaire, Département de médecine | Professor, Department of Medicine

Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les maladies valvulaires cardiaques

Canada Research Chair in Valvular Heart Diseases

Université Laval


Rashmi Varshney

Technical Director, Echo lab @ Mount Sinai Hospital

Raveen Pal

Robbie Stewart

Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) @ Dalhousie University

Robin Ducas

Sabe De

Sarah Blissett

MD, FRCPC MHPE, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Co-Program Director of Adult Cardiology Subspecialty Training Program, and a Centre Researcher at the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI), Western University, London, ON

Dr. Sarah Blissett is an Assistant Professor of Medicine, Co-Program Director of Adult Cardiology Subspecialty Training Program, and a Centre Researcher at the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI)

Following completion of medical school at the University of Toronto, Internal Medicine at University of Toronto and Cardiology at Western University, she completed fellowships in Integrated Cardiac Imaging (Echocardiography and Cardiac MRI, McGill University, Montreal) and Adult Congenital Heart Disease (UCSF, San Francisco).  Concurrent to these fellowships, she obtained a Master of Health Professions Education from Maastricht University.

Dr. Blissett's clinical work focuses on cardiac imaging, Adult Congenital Heart Disease and Cardio-Obstetrics.  Her academic interests are focused on improving education in Cardiology, particularly in optimizing learning in workplace learning environments



Shaheeda Ahmed

Sharon Mulvagh


President, Canadian Society of Echocardiography: Professor of Medicine, Dalhousie University; QE II Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Mulvagh is Professor of Medicine at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, Professor Emeritus at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, and President of the Canadian Society of Echocardiography.  

Dr. Mulvagh is a clinical cardiologist, echocardiographer, and clinician investigator for multiple Federal (CIHR-Canadian Institute of Health Research) and Foundation (Heart and Stroke Canada; Dalhousie University) funded research projects in Canada and USA focused on women and heart disease, contrast echocardiography, and POCUS. She is Co-Director of the Women’s Heart Health Clinic at the Maritime Heart Center in Halifax, NS,  Chair of the Nova Scotia Provincial Board of Directors for Heart & Stroke Canada, Immediate Past-Chair of Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance, Knowledge Translation and Mobilization Working Group,  immediate-past Chair of American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) Scientific Sessions Chair, current member of National Board of Echocardiography (NBE) Critical Care Echocardiography Exam Writing Committee, and NBE and ASE Certification Committees, past member of ASE Board of Directors and current member of International Contrast Ultrasound Society Board of Directors.  She has chaired numerous echocardiographic guidelines imaging task forces and committees, including Guidelines on Ultrasound Enhancing Agents and two updates. She has over 150 peer reviewed publications, and is on the editorial boards of Canadian Journal of Cardiology, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, and Journal of the American College of Cardiology.  

Dr. Mulvagh received her medical degree, magna cum laude, from University of Ottawa, Canada, interned at Dalhousie University, then completed her residency at Boston University, and cardiology fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX.  There, she consulted for Universities Space Research Associates (USRA) at NASA, Johnson Space Center, monitoring cardiac responses during spacewalks from Mission Control, training astronauts to do echocardiograms during spaceflight and developing countermeasures to microgravity. She continues to intermittently serve on NASA peer review committees. 


Shireen Persaud

EQI Operations Lead in Toronto.

Steffen Petersen

Steffen Petersen is a Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London and a Consultant Cardiologist at Barts Heart Centre, Barts Health NHS Trust. He is also the Cardiovascular Programme Director of UCLPartners Academic Medical Centre. He is President of the European Society of Cardiology's (ESC) European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI). He is the academic Training Programme Director for medical specialities in London. He holds an MBCHB and MDRES equivalent (Dr med.) from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, a DPHIL (OXON) from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, an MPH from Harvard School of Public Health and an MSc from the London School of Economics. He is level 3 certified for cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). He has been actively involved in cardiovascular magnetic resonance since 1998 and he reports over 1000 cardiac adult MRI scans each year. His research interests include clinical trials using cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), cost-effectiveness analysis related to cardiac imaging and primary prevention, large scale population-based​ studies using CMR including AI approaches (UK Biobank cardiac imaging lead) and electronic health record research that incorporates cardiac imaging data.

Stephen Little

Dr. Little holds the John S. Dunn Chair in Clinical Cardiovascular Research and Education, and is the Houston Methodist System Director for Structural Heart, and the program director for the Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship program at Houston Methodist Hospital.  A longtime ASE member, Dr. Little previously chaired the ASE Guidelines and Standards Committee as well as the Structural Heart Disease Industry Task Force. He served on ASE’s Board of Directors from 2015-2018 before being elected to the Presidential Ladder in 2020.

He is a Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, and adjunct professor of Bioengineering at Rice University.  He received his medical degree from McMaster University and completed post graduate training in internal medicine and cardiology at Western University. He completed research fellowships in echocardiography at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.

His research activities have focused on novel use of 3-D echocardiography for the quantification of native and prosthetic valve dysfunction as well as imaging guidance for percutaneous structural heart interventions.  Research funding provided by the American Heart Association, and the National Sciences Foundation.


Steve Promislow

MD, FRCPC Assistant Professor, Section of Cardiology

Steven Promislow graduated from medical school at the University of Manitoba in 2010 and completed his residency training in internal medicine at the University of Manitoba in 2013. He went on to complete his cardiology residency in 2016 at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, followed by fellowships in both adult echocardiography and cardiac CT/nuclear cardiology. He subsequently joined the Division of Cardiology at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute before returning to Winnipeg in 2021 to join WRHA Cardiac Sciences and the Section of Cardiology within the Department of Medicine at the University of Manitoba.
His academic interests lie in multimodality cardiac imaging and their application in clinical practice. He is also actively involved in education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


Teresa Tsang


Director of Echo Lab, VGH and UBC

Director of VGH-UBC Artificial Intelligence Echo Core Lab

Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology

Associate Head Research, Department of Medicine University of British Columbia


Thi Kim Hanh Nguyen

Dr. Nguyen is an advanced adult echocardiography fellow at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver. She graduated from the University of Montreal with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2010. She completed her medical degree at the University of Sherbrooke in 2015, followed by residencies in internal medicine and cardiology at McGill University. Dr. Nguyen’s clinical and research interests include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, echocardiography and cardiovascular health in vulnerable populations.

Tyler Lamb

MD, MSc, FRCPC, FACC, DRCPSC Cardiology and Echocardiography

Usha Manian

Wendy Tsang

Assistant Professor, Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network, Peter Munk Cardiac Center, University of Toronto
