{{event.dateBegin | date('L LT', true, false)}}
{{event.dateEnd | date('L LT', true, false)}}
{{event.timezone | timezone}}

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Fadlan ku qor macluumaadkaaga hoos:

Cinwaanka emailka

Ma goobjoog ka noqon doontaa xaflada?


Foomka diiwaangelinta

Click here to change accounts

Magaca koowaad * {{ error }}

Magaca dambe * {{ error }}

Cinwaanka emailka * User already registered {{ error }}

You are already registered.

We can email you a magic link so you can sign in
without having to type your password.

Marti ma keenaysaa? *

Guest: {{(index + 1)}}

Magaca koowaad *

Magaca dambe *

Cinwaanka emailka * {{ error }}

muuqda dadka kale *

Ma doonaysaa in profile-kaagu ahaado mid muuqda oo aad gasho isku xidhka?


{{ uploadProgress + '%' }} Uploading profile picture



My Agenda

  • {{activity.dateBegin | date('LT', true, false)}} - {{activity.dateEnd | date('LT', true, false)}} {{activity.name}}
Select one activity!

Hotel selection