InEvent has a 99.9% guaranteed uptime SLA.
InEvent is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
We offer locations in the United States and in Ireland. At the beginning of the contract, customers can opt-in for the Ireland located server, which stores all its data in Ireland according to EU privacy regulations.
InEvent initiates a failover mechanism when the main server is not responding to requests in the minute, with a serverless approach to data backups and accessibility across different instances.
Once a year at most. All our updates and upgrades are scheduled non-invasive improvements where the platform is online throughout most of the deployment.
Scheduled upgrades are run 11pm Eastern timezone on Saturdays.
Any upgrades are notified through our trust page at least 30 days prior. Please subscribe to the 'Subscribe to Updates' button page here to get email notifications.
You can speak with your project manager if you foresee an event conflict date. We automatically check for event date conflicts when scheduling our upgrades.
InEvent status page can be accessed as a standalone service at available 24/7.
RTO and RPO timelines | |
Recovery Time Objective (RTO) | 4 hours |
Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) | 24 hours |
Vulnerability scanning remediation | |
Critical | 1 hour |
High | 24 hours |
Medium | 5 working days |
Low | 30 working days |
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