InEvent Certification

Digital marketing certifications for event technology professionals

Certification categories

Course Requirement
Registration Meet our hands-on evaluation criteria operating InEvent software - Registration
Live Meet our hands-on evaluation criteria operating InEvent software - Live
Pass Meet our hands-on evaluation criteria operating InEvent software - Pass
Hospitality Meet our hands-on evaluation criteria operating InEvent software - Hospitality
Compliance Meet our hands-on evaluation criteria operating InEvent software - Compliance
Developer Display high level knowledge on InEvent Application Programming Interface (API)
Hardware Provide or rent compatible hardware with InEvent software
Agency Achieve general sales knowledge with InEvent software
CS Certified Complete a full cycle as an active InEvent Customer Success employee

I want to get my certification!

Click to learn more about our process and which modules you can learn.

The complete platform for all your events

Pedro Goes

+1 470 751 3193

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